Chapter 28 part 2

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"I-I..." I paused and think for a bit "I wish to forgive you easily but I just can't, you did this so you have to earn it back." they frown and look at each other and nodded, I lool at them and they both gave me a big hug, I melted from their hug, I really wish I could forgive them that easily. "Sorry guys but you can't earn my trust and my love that easily." they let go and I walk to Sonja and hugged her "What's with them?"

"Oh You'll see." she just smiled and pointed behind me, they were holding cards, saying 'We're really sorry, we really didn't mean it, we let our actions to be in control than thinking what we should do, We're very very sorry.' as they walk towards me and hugged me once again but this time it was very very warm, so warm I could literaly melt.

"T-Tom, A-Anthony... too hot..." they let go as I fell on the ground having a seziure, my body felt very hot, I felt my eyes changing colors, it was different from others, it was pure white, they gasp and carried me, my eyes felt very heavy and as I close them I felt I was being summoned by someone, or maybe three.

(Dream World)

"Jordan," a voice called me, I turn everywhere but it was too bright for me too see but when my eyes recovered from the brightness of the world I saw that the kingdom was destroyed, there were guards on the ground in their blood. I saw Tom with Ianite is calling me "Go and never come back here." Ianite told me, Tom took my hand.

"Where's the others?"

"They left so I could get you, you didn't come with us because you said that we should protect the villagers first and your going to get something important and protect Ianite."

"I did?" he looked at me in confusion.

"Wait, are you a past Jordan? Who's dreaming this?" I nodded and he sighed "I have to tell you something," he look around and Ianite was lying on the ground lifeless. I felt angry to those who did this "If you ever see a shadow kill it very instant, don't trap it, don't interrogate it." he look so serious so I nodded "And please forgive them, well me and Anthony, I can feel you haven't forgive me yet, things will get hard if you don't trust me, we were so sad and depressed so this happened, never let this happened! Look at Ianite! She died from protecting you from death! I mean you almost died!" I cried and look at her and hugged her "Just don't let this happen, please, don't waste your time and protect the others, build a safe house for the villagers and for us, for you." I nodded and I hugged him "I love you Jordan, I really do and please fix things with them."

"Okay, I love you too Tom." we kissed and I felt myself being sucked in a portal.

(End of dream world)

I opened my eyes and look around, I sighed in relief. I run to the throne room and called every guard "Call all the greatest builder in the villages and get then here, don't hurt them and if they don't want to come then don't force them." I said and then nodded. They went to the village and search for the builders meanwhile the others were confused at me "Guys, I had a vision and I don't want that to happened, Tom, Anthony, I forgive you and if you do it again dungeon will not be enough, you will know what's next to dungeon." Anthony touch his neck knowing it will cost them their lives and their heads, not the heads below there! But their heads up there! Geez get your mind out the gutter.

Tom hugged me as the guards came back with every villager, I guess they came to help, I think we should too "Here they are Jordan," the guard said and I smiled at him because we became friends "The others volunteer." I nodded.

"People, my people, I want to request for your help to make another home for us, a safer house where people cannot locate or people can't go to." they murmur "I know it's a strange idea but I want you all to be safe." they just look at me "Don't worry, I, myself will help as well as my family." as I pointed at Tom and the others, they wave at them and they wave back, wow they must be really friends with them "So do you agree with me?" they shouted a yes "Great! We will leave tomorrow morning!" I smiled and they say good bye and leave.


"I already told you I had a vision."

"I know but what did you see?"


"You saw the D? Jordan you always see mine." I punched him weakly on the arm and he laughed.

"It's destruction Tom and Death of Ianite." his face pale and frown.

"Oh my gosh! We should do it fast! And how can a Goddess die?!"

"I really don't know." I sighed and look at him, I hugged him and kissed him "I love you Tom, I really do, I always have and always will."

"I love you too Jordan, forever and always?"

"Forever and always." we kissed each other with passion. This will be another long night.


End of Chapter

So guys what'cha up to for your summer? That's my question for you.

Me? Summer is already finish here, in June 8 I will be back at school, this time I'm a college student, I finished High School!

Anywayd I really hope you like this chapter.

I love you and until next time!

Peace out!

✓ The Hidden Prince (SyndiSparklez)Where stories live. Discover now