Chapter 14

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A/N: makala_wilkins suggested that I should write smutty things in this book so, in this chapter there's a warning, in coming smut ahead. Brace yourselves, smut is coming.

(Back to the story)

I woke up and saw Tom hugging me, I sneak out from his hug and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. When I came back Tom was sitting on the bed looking at me. "Good morning Tom, how's your sleep?"

"Good morning Jordan, great juuuuust great." Tom groans "My body is sore!" I laughed quietly "Don't laugh at me Jerdern!"

"Sorry, because your body never sore from the things we do with the others."

"Well I'm still new from this magical powers and stuff and maybe I over use my brain to do things that I was never been doing."

"Acceptable," I sat at bed with him "I love you Tom."

"I love you too." I kissed him and he kissed me back. I pulled back and walk to the door opening it, "Be right back Tom, do whatever you do." I walked out the room and knocked on Tucker and Sonja's room. Sonja opened the door because Tucker was still sleeping.

"Good morning Sonja."

"Don't be so loud Jordan!" she covers her ears and I just nodded, I forgot Tucker and Sonja isn't a morning person "What do you want?"

"Well today's Tom's birthday right?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well you already know my plan right?"

"Hahaha, I know, so what do you really want?"

"Well I want you not to tire Tom so much, I want his... Energy for tonight" as I said the word 'tonight' I blushed and Sonja silently scream from being a fangirl.

"Okay Jordan, I will." she smiled with joy.

"Thank you Sonja, excuse me from disturbing your sleep by the way."

"No it's fine, I was planning a prank on Tucker right now." I saw some water floating in the air above Tucker.


"Toilet." I chuckled softly "TUCKER WAKE UP!" Sonja shouted and dropped the water from above to Tucker, Tucker jumped out of bed with his wet clothes.

"SONJAAAAAAAAA!" Tucker shouted while Sonja run out and use some wind magic to glide in the air and hang on the ceiling while Tucker run straight forward. Sonja lets go at the beam of the ceiling and land on the floor with some wind to protect her from landing.

"Wow, you can use your wind magic now!" I said excitingly.

"OMG! YEEEEESSS! FINALLY! I KNEW THIS WIND MAGIC CAN BE TRAINED FROM SOMETIME!" then suddenly Sonja was wet. She turned around and saw Tucker holding a water ball from his hand in the hair. "TUCKERRRR!"

"Oh shit!" Tucker run and use his wind magic so does Sonja. I laughed and I suddenly got quiet. I walked to my office, well I call it office while people call it library.

I look around from bookshelf to bookshelf finding something I wrote. When I look at the very old bookshelf I saw something there, my diary, I smiled, I finally found it, I took it and read the first part.

'Dear diary,
Daddy said that I'm not going to school because I'm getting homeschooled, I asked will there be any students he said there won't be besides me, at first I was lonely but when mommy took Max, Anthony and Minx in I was happy and excited that they are going to stay with me, mommy said that they will protect me. I asked if they will be my friends and they said they can't be, they will guard my life so they are only there to protect me but I didn't want to be lonely so I always prank them and sooner or later we will are going to be the bestest of friends!'

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