Chapter 25

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We turn around and saw Mianite in his human form, he walk towarda us and hugged us, Sonja just kep crying "Sonja, Tucker didn't do anything wrong, when you saw them kissing the girl was out of her mind and kiss him, she knows you and Tucker are in a relationship."

"Then why would he kiss her back?!"

"Uh..." he looks at her, he removes his arm around us and scrathes the back of his head "I don't know if he kissed back."

"Fuck him!" She run to the sand castle and went to her room and locked it. I sighed and look at Mianite who look sad.

"Don't worry Grandpa, they'll be fine, I'm sorry for punching one of your champion." I sighed.

"No, it's fine, I didn't tell you the truth, he was hallucinating, he was seeing Sonja for some reason, maybe the girl drugged him and he doesn't know it?"

"Whoever that girl is she'll pay for doing that for Sonja and Tucker." I sat on the ground so does Mianite on my side, he wrap his arms around me "Uh...?"

"Don't move, I just want to hug somebody right now, I haven't hug anybody for a long time." I stay still, I looked at him and he's crying.

"Grandpa are you really into incest?"

"Uhh..." he looked at my eyes "Yes... No... I don't know... Maybe?"

"You and Grandpa Dianite, together?"


"Aha! I know something's fishy!"


I went to the nether without Tom because it's night and he's sleeping, I can't sleep so I went to make myself tired, I saw a temple made of nether brick and lava around it. I run over there and saw Zombie Pigmen on the entrance, I entered the temple and a bunch of Wither Skeletons are around but not harmful.

"Grandpa?" I whispered "Grandpa Dianite?" I raise my voice a little and a fire formed in front of me, a wither was in front of me.

"Jordan!" he said cheerfully "Nice to see you!" he transformed into his human form, he was red, has two long horns, a long tail and the color of his eyes are bloody red "Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?"

"I can't sleep."

"Well good thing Dianite is here!" he laughed "Well how's the overworld? Did you met Mianite yet?" he asked, when he said Mianite his voice changed like in a need for him. Hmmm is there something I'm missing?

"Grandpa, are you in love with Grandpa Mianite?"

"Oh look at the time! It's midnight! You should reqlly sleep right now." he looked into my eyes "Farewell for now!" he teleported me back into the portal room and I sighed and went through the portal.

(End of Flashback)

I look into the window of Sonja's room "Grandpa I'll go to Sonja, she needs help."

"Just always be safe Jordan." he told me with a caring voice.

"You too." I teleported to Sonja's room, she was crying on her bed, her face on her pillow, I walked to her and sat on her bed "Sonja..."

"Jordan no! Just please, I don't want to hear anything right now."

"I just want to tell you that Mianite and Dianite is a thing." she stopped crying and looked at me, her eyes are puffy and red, of course there's no snort.

"R-really? I should make a fanfiction about them." she said with a half-hearted tone.

"You should!" she sat beside me and hugged me "Don't cry Sonja."

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