Chapter 23

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I looked around the halls and sighed, I sneak to the training room but someone threw a water balloon at me. I turned around and saw Tucker holding another water balloon, he threw it to me but I dodge it. Let me explain what's happening.


"I'm sooooooooo booooooorrrrreeeeeedddddd." Tom whined.

"Any ideas then?"

"I dom't know, I want to do something! Not practice everyday! I want to have fuuuuuun."

"Jordan's here for you every night Tom." Sonja wiggled her eyebrows so I threw a water ball at her using my water magic "Hey! Two can play it that game!" Sonja throws a bigger water ball.


"Yeah I did." she winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey! Hey! Why not play water balloon war?"

"Why the hell not?" Tucker said.

(Flashback end)

I looked back at Tucker holding his balloon, I was going to throw a balloon but my balloon broke "MY WATER BROKE!!!" I shouted, Tucker laughed from what I said, I can hear Sonja and Tom laughing, I used my powers and made a water on top of their heads and pour them the water.

"JORDAAAAAAAAN!" They all shouted at me at the same time.

I run to the training ground and tag the tree, I hid behind it. I looked for them but they're not following me. I sighed and looked up the tree, I grin and climbed the tree, I crafted a normal bow, well not normal, just to aim them a balloon to hit them.

I saw Tom looking at the training ground, he went to the tree and aim him and shoot it on his head, well his face. He looked around and saw nothing, he looked up the tree and grins, he's about to climb the tree but I rapid fire him to the face "I'll be back Sparklez!" Tom shouted and run back to the castle to get more 'weapons'.

Sonja was on top of the castle to search the ground, I aimed at her, if this reaches her then my life will be completed. I shot the balloon and hit her in the face, she was shocked and searched more. I shot another balloon at her and now she's furious, she teleported to the training ground. "JORDAAAAAN?!" I rapid fire her on her back when she turned around "I WILL FUCKING SLAY YOU WITH MY WATER!" she retreated back.

Sonja called reinforcement, well crap, she called James and Tucker, Tucker and James have a lot, I mean A LOOOOOT of balloon. I crafted a three way bow. I rapid fire them in their faces and they retreated back, I teleported to Tom and mines room, I looked around if Tom's around, luckly he's not, I took more balloon and put some water in them. "JORDAAAN! GET OUT OF THERE!" I heard Tom on the ground, I peaked on the training ground and saw Sonja, Tucker, Tom and James with more balloon, I smiled and summoned like and ocean on top of them and it fell on them.

"JORDAN! YOUR FUCKING DEAD!" They shouted and I laughed out my stomach out which is a bad idea. They teleported on the room I'm in but I teleported somewhere else before they found me, I teleported to the library waited until 3 o'clock. I read some great stories, like romeo and juliet, 50 shades of grey, The Fault in our Stars, and more, well I'm a fast reader anyway.

"Where are ya Jordan?!" Tucker shouted near the door so I teleported in front of the castle, I walked around and they greeted me so I greeted them back, I saw Gizzy and Cib holding hands, I waved at them and they waved back, I saw Hwnt with ZombieUnicorn, I smiled at them and they smiled back.

"Jordan?" I heard Aphmau's voice, I turned around and saw her "Hi Jordan!" she said with joy.

"Hi Aphmau," I smiled to her "How'd you been?"

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