Chapter 27

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Tom's POV (Shocker! Nah you know about this already XD)

As I go to the dungeon with... this annoying freak I kept thinking that I never know Jordan that much, sure he tells me stuff but not all of his stuff, not his private stuff. I never know that Jordan is veery scary when he's angry. He's not angry he's furious! I know he doesn't like violence but I never know what will happened if violence is being tolerated in his castle.

"You know it's all your fault!" Chilled shouted at me from the other cell room. Well we're opposite cell room. I didn't say anything since I know it's my fault.


As Sonja came back without Jordan she explained why Jordan isn't with her. I was angry and shouted at her to give me the location where Sparklez is but she won't tell me, I almost hit her with my palm but Waglington decided to block my palm with his face. I was shock from what I have done. Tucker and Chilled is in rage, Tucker stay still because he doesn't want to fight with me, I don't want to fight with him also. "Tom, don't make any stupid actions." Dianite said in my head but I ignored him.

Chilled punched me on my face, I fell down but I quickly stood up. I punched him in the eye with half of my power. He flew to the ground and quickly stood up and run to me, we kept punching and kicking each other but then I saw him summoning his weapon so I summoned my, I slash his left arm, blood drip down from his arm. He attacked me with his weapon but I blocked it, I kick his hand and he lets go of his weapon. I throw him a fireball on his stomach, he tried to dodge it but I hold him on feet using a dried lava on his feet. He screamed and the lava was destroyed.

"Chilled stop this at once!" Max shouted but Chilled threw a rock on his forehead but Max dodge it. Chilled run towards me again and punch me in my face, I punched him with my other arm, he took his sword and attacked me with his sword again. That's where Jordan stopped.

(End of Flashback)

I look at Chilled who was glaring at me and I sighed, I sat on the floor turning my back around him and closed my eyes since I'm very tired.

Jordan's POV

It's been a week and I have a peaceful week, I made many things! I made a turbine and a reactor! I was making a portal but that would be stupid to link it to the end and the nether. Mianite is always with me, he jokes around with me.

"So Jordan, will you lay down by my side?" I heard a little flirt on his tone.

"Granda pa," I looked at him with don't-flirt-with-me look "Please don't." he sighed "Where's grand pa Dianite?"

"He's with Tom all week and I am feeling lonely." he hold his groin, I notice he's hard "Maybe I need an assistance, just for a little bit."

"Nope, nope! Nope! I'm out or here!" I left the castle and he did this thing for two hours, how do I know that? Well you could say that when I woke up I was dripping with... his thing... I was veeeery stickt and it got to my hair! It was very hard to take out. He told me he's sorry but Dianite isn't with him for the week. He said he's doing it in two hours non stop. I looked at the dirty ocean. White stuff is floating on it. I took a bath on this ocean when I woke up. I shiver from the memory. I went back to my room and took my items, I didn't see Mianite so I sighed in relief. A door opened and I saw Mianite naked, I looked down and saw his... gigantic groin, I teleported away and I teleported back to the castle, my castle. Home sweet home, let's see what happened here. When I went inside they were having a party. Someone's cloth on the chandelier, trashes on the ground, a reek of alcohol in the air, a very good dj on a mini stage, the throne was covered though. I turn to my right and saw Max pinning Adam on a wall, I looked to my left and saw Minx and Krisim kissing. Welp, I cough loudly the dj stopped, they looked at me with shocked eyes, they scrambled and took the trashes on the floor and took all the alcohol, the villagers went back to their house and my 'family' was in front of me with their heads low.

"So who's idea is this?" I asked with a calm tone and Sonja raised her hands up "And you didn't invite me?" I said with a hurt tone but with my acting skills I was found out.

"Wait, so your not angry?" Sonja asked and I shook my head "Call everyone! The party will start again!" they called the villagers and they went back to the castle and we party like animals, I drink some alcohol but I know my limit. I wasn't drunk so I know what's happening. I didn't see Tom, when I search for him I saw him talking to Chilled and Waglington, I think they're good, for now. I went up to my room and lay down, I heard the door opening, I saw a drunk Tom stumbling on the way to bed with Tucker supporting him. He lays him beside me. I said thanks to Tucker as Tom smiled like an idiot in his sleep I hugged him and put my head on his chest as I drift to my sleep.


End of Chapter

If you guys doesn't know I wrote another book! and a collection of oneshots! Head over there!

Also I hope this answer your questions.

Anyways I love you all! Bye for now!

Peace out!

✓ The Hidden Prince (SyndiSparklez)Where stories live. Discover now