Chapter 22

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"King Jordan," I looked at the guard "The miners are here." I jumped and run to the throne room.

"Ah! Welcome back!" I saw them talking and looked at me when they heard me "Gizzy, Hwnt and Cib what happened to the three of you?" I looked at Aureylian and Aphmau who was okay "What happened? Where are the guards?"

"The guards died but we still have the materails, there's nothing taken." Gizzy said, I saw Cib hold Gizzy's hand, how cute.

"What happen?" I looked behind me and saw Sonja walking to me "OH MY GOD! COME HERE AND LET ME TREAT YOUR WOUNDS!" Sonja said and the trio walk to Sonja and took the first aid in the corner and treat their wounds.

"So, what really happened?"

"On our way to the castle bandits tried to still the ores, the guards protected us but they died, Gizzy, Cib and Hwnt fought, they won but they were hurt." Aphmau said.

"Yes, the ores are there." pointing at the big suspicious bag. I walked over there with a sword, I poked the bag with my sword 6 bandits jumped so I move with my reflex killing 3 while Sonja killed the other 3.

"We're sorry." Aphmau said "We are dead if we told you the real story." she cried. Sonja hugged her and Aureylian who was also crying.

"It's fine, at least you are not dead." I said, I went to the trio, "Did you fought some of the bandits?" they nodded and I pat their heads "Good job protecting your friends." I said with a smile "I sat at the throne "Well at least you all are not dead, your family will still get the payment, the full payment."


"Gizzy, don't even bother, I'm sorry you were hurt and I know that 10 guards are not enough, I risk your lives so it's my payment."

"N-no it's not that."

"Gizzy you didn't betray me, if you did I forgive you all, why? Because I care to the towns people and my kingdom." I smiled at them, they run to me and hugged me and cried "Don't cry." I said patting their heads.

"So daddy Jordan," I looked at Sonja who wiggled her eyebrows "What's your next move?"

"Isn't it obvious? Getting our ores back." I smiled at her with my devious smile "Call Tom and Tucker, the four of us will take care of them."

"B-but you can't take all of them with the four of you!" Aphmau said.

"Non sense! I well we can!" I smiled at her.

"A-are you sure?"

"Yes, now go back to your family and take this." I give them 10,000 gold coins each.

"T-thank you Jordan!" they all said and left.

"Your too kind." Sonja teleported to my side.

"Nah, they could have died."

"You called us Jordan?" Tucker teleported in front of me so does Tom.

"Well daddy Jordan, do you have the plan?" Sonja asked.

"Daddy? Plan? What is happening?" Tom asked.

"Daddy Jordan here care the towns people and the kingdom, also you can tell them." I told them what happened?

"So this is the plan, there's no plan at all, if someone tried to kill you kill them and take the ores."

"Are you really Jordan?" Tom asked.

"Yes, I am why?"

"I just don't know that side of you."

"They hurt my towns people and killed my guards so yeah, also there's a lot I haven't told you, yet." I winked at him and he blushed "Let's go?" they nodded, we run to the gate.

(Time skip)

I found the base of the bandits, their base is hidden but I found them, how? Because of my powers of course, I searched with my earth magic. Tom is on my right side, Sonja on my left and Tucker on my back.

"Over here." I whispered to them and pointed at the tree "There's a secret passage there."

"You know how to open it?" I nodded and just removed the tree "Well too agressive there Jordan." Tucker laughed silently. (Me laughing evey night if I watch or read things XD)

I shot the bandit who was on guard "Let's go?" We run to the entrance and went down, I took my sword out and saw nobody is there, I took my bow and a torch, we reached the end and there are like 600 bandits there "This is gonna be fun." I whispered to them.

"Charge!" Tom shouted-whisper to us.

(Time Skip because I'm bad at writing battle scenes)

I shot the last arrow to the archer on the top of the balcony. He fell on the ground cover with his blood. We panted.

"They're good but not too good." Tom said.

"Yeah," I agreed, I looked at the leader who was sitting on the throne in fear "Now where's the ores?"

"I-in there." pointing at the right side, I seached using my earth magic, I shook my head in disappointment.

"You have one more chance, where are the ores."

"I-I'm telling the truth!" He stood up and hit something in accident and something opened "Shit." I shot him with my bow on his head and he fell from where he's standing on, I went to his throne and looked behind it, there's a passage, Tom went first and he shouted I teleported to him with my magic and saw the ores, a LOT of ores.

"Well this is going to be long." I called Max in his communicator, I told our coordinates and told them to take a 60 chests in 40 horses. They moved fast because in 43 minutes they were here, we took the ores to the chest in organization. I saw a shower in the bandit's base "Care to join me?" I whispered to Tom and he smiled, we walked to the shower and remove the blood in our body.

After we took a shower Sonja and Tucker went in next. I looked at Max and he just shook his head "Why did you do this?"

"Because they hurt our town's people!"

"You don't have to kill them!"

"THEY TRIED TO KILL US!" I shouted and cover my mouth "I-I'm s-sorry f-for s-shouted." I felt a tear fell, Max hugged me.

"It's fine, don't do this again, we can do it for you so you don't let your hands dirty." Max ruffled my hair and kept his arms around me, I hugged him and pushed him to get away from his hug. I walk to Tom and hold his and, he wipe my tears from my eyes with his free hand.

"Jordan, let's go back?" I nodded, Sonja and Tucker left the shower.

We teleported to the horses and went home, our kingdom.


End of chapter

Hey! Another chapter!

Well I don't have much to say so just enjoy your day!

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