Chapter 40

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It has been 3 months since that I've told the town the truth, some are glad some are disappointed and some are just, normal like nothing happened, and that's a good thing. Everything back to nomal. But Mianite and Dianite are not talking to us but Ianite is, dad and her talk about something that I don't want to hear, well that's what they both said but I want to hear it. Too bad Ianite put a sound barrier around them so I can't hear them. Tom and I never talk to each other, he's been missing for three months. I'm getting worried, even though he never intentionally hurt me he thinks it's his fault.

"Jordan!" I saw James in the end of the hallway panting "He's back!" my eyes widen so we ran to the entrance of the castle and he was standing there. I felt something's wrong, that's not Tom.

"Who are you?"

"Have you not remember me?"

"No, who are you?"

"Ow, that hurts, I'm Tom, Jordan."

"No your not, who are you?!" I demanded and he just chuckled.

"What are you talking about Jordan? It's me, Tom."

"No your not!" I ran to him and summon my sword and swing it at him and he melted.

"I guess that trick won't work." Dianite appeared from the thin air "If your thinking that we know where Tom is, we do not know, he cut ties with us." Dianite appeared from my side and I quickly stab him but he teleported away "Damn it Jordan, you almost killed me!" he touch his side and saw blood flowing "Are you trying to kill me?!"

"What are you doing here?" I said with no emotion.

"Wow your so cold J-" then he flew straight down face first, we look up and saw dad axe kick him.

"What do you want from my son?"

"Have you forgot that he is a destruction?" Dianite levitated again and he teleported in front of the entrance.

"He is not! You are a destruction of humanity!" They fought, dad won with some bruises but Dianite have major bruises and he teleported away.

"Dad! Don't fight him! You are not him."

"I know, I'm sorry son."

"Jordan bad news." Ianite appears behind me "Tom is in the end and tried to kill himself but I stopped him, he's in my house in a bad condition." we teleported to the end. I saw Tom laying down on the bed. I walk towards him brushing his hair and cressing his cheeks.

"I miss you Tom." he moves a little from my touch, I put my hand on his cheek and I brush my thumb on his skin.

"We'll let you be." Ianite and dad vanished. I hug Tom and cried.

"Jordan... Why are you crying? Who hurt you?" he wakes up and sat down I hug him tighter and burried my face on his neck "Jordan?"

"I love you Tom."

"I love you too Jordan and tell me what happened." I told him everything, he was surprised, angry and disappointed at the same time. "I'm such a douche."

"Yes you are and not I got you, I won't let you go." I kiss his cheek "I love you Tom."

"I love you too." He lifts my chin and we stared into our eyes "Jordan I've been wanting to say this for a long time but, Jordan will you-" then the ground shakes and a large blood red hand took Tom and I.

"What are you going to say to my son again?" Dad asked and I blushed. I love my dad but why is he embarrassing me?!

"Uh, sir, I want to take your son's hand for marriage." he said bluntly with a hint of nervousness.

"I like you kid." he ruffles his hair and he looks at me "You may take his hand in marraige, you have my blessing." Tom look at me.

"Yes Tom I will marry you!" I hug him and kiss him but interrupted when dad cough.

"Congratulations and I want to show you guys what's in the shadows." we look around and saw a beautiful city "This is my pride, I made this while I was away." he look at me "I want to protect this city but I need a helper, well two or three, I want you two to help me."

"I accept." I said without hesitation.

"If he's in then so am I!" he smiled with pride.

"But dad," he frown "How about my town?"

"Well with a little bit of my help we can combine them to make a country."

"Thanks dad."

"No problem."

"Sir I don't want to ask but you said you need two or three helpers, will you search for the third of not?"

"First don't call me sir, call me dad or Delirious and second I already found him but I don't know if he will accept it or not."

"Him?" I asked and he nodded "Are you talking about V-"

"Yes and I will go to him right now." he interrupted me.

"Good luck." he nodded and he vanish "Let's follow him." Tom nodded and we teleported to him.

Delirious Pov

I never felt so nervous in my life, well in a while, I was so nervous like this when I asked Vanoss to be my boyfriend. I knock on the door "Be there in a second!" I heard his voice, manlier than ever "Hi there, and who are you?"

"Oh, how rude of me." I smiled and blushed, took of my hood and he look at me "Hi Evan."

"J-Jonathan?" his face heated up, I see, I still got my looks "What are you doing here?"

"I want to say sorry about the past, I was drunk and my friend, the former queen, Jordan's mother, drug me and she used me, I never wanted to hurt you, I love you so much."

"I know Jonathan but this changed..."

"Please Evan, I still love you, please don't leave me."

"I still fucking love you Jonathan b-but."

"Daddy who's in the door?" a kid opened the door "Daddy why are you crying? Did he hurt you?"

"No Lui, he did not hurt me, I'll be back in a sec, okay?"

"Okay." Lui entered the house and closed it.


"Three years ago." he said.


"Nogla." he frown "But he's dead, someone killed him."

"I'm sorry Evan." I hug him and kiss his forehead "So sorry." he hugs me back "Why not move in with me? I don't care if you have a kid Evan, I have Jordan."

"Maybe your right, we should move in with you." he chuckled while wiping his tears.

"I love you Evan."

"I love you too Jonathan." our lips collied and sparks spread into our lips as we move them in sync.

I really hope everything went good as Ianite and I plan to stop Mianite and Dianite.

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