Chapter 30

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"TOM! S-Stop! It hurts!"

"Sorry but I can't stop." he whispered.

"P-please stop... It hurts!"

"Don't be a baby Jordan, you did this to yourself." Tucker said and I pouted.

"It's not my fault that Tom hit my arm with a wood!"

"It fell and don't blame it on me, I told you to get out of there but you didn't move now, let's fix your arm." he hold my left arm and I grip on Tucker's tee shirt and my face on it "Ready?" I nodded and he pulled it in force, I heard my bones, my bones in my arm is arrange.

"It fucking hurts!" I cried and wipe my tears on Tuckers shirt.

"Hey! Don't wipe it on me!" I was going to blow my nose but he knows what I was going to do so he teleported away from me "Nice try but no." Tucker pet my head and left.

"Are you okay now?" Tom asked and I look at him with are-you-fucking-serious look.

"NO!" he sighed and kissed my forehead "Okay, a little." he smiled and stood up.

"Well stay here with Sonja since she's cooking with Adam and Wag and the other girls and Crainer."

"Okay, love you." I kiss his lips, he cupped my face and our lips dance.

"I love you too," he disconnected our lips from each other and kissed my forehead "See you later Jordan." he left and I sat down on the seat, I saw Derp Ssundee slapping Crainer's butt and squeezing it, he just ignore him, I look outside and saw Ssundee sad, I'm getting worried.

"Ssundee," I called him quietly and he heard me and walks to me "Why don't you stop him already? I know he's special but he should know that there's a line between your brother relationship and your love relationship with Crainer."

"I-I just don't want him to be sad..." he sound sad.

"Your the one who's sad and hurt."

"I'm happy as long as Derp Ssundee is happy." he smile sadly. I look at Crainer who was looking at me, he walk to us and hug Ssundee "Crainer, Derp Ssundee will see us."

"Let him, your my one and only, I don't want Derp Ssundee." he kissed Ssundee's forehead "I don't want to see you sad anymore, if you kept hurting yourself then I'll be sad." he raise Ssundee's chin and their eyes lock "I love you Ssundee, with all my heart and I don't want to hurt you no more." Crainer kiss Ssundee and their lips dance, I look at Derp Ssundee and he just smiles.

"Great, now defend you man brother." Derp Ssunde said.

"Wait, you knew?!"

"Yeah, it's obvious and Crainer isn't my type, my type is him." he pointed to Sky "Now will you excuse me I have to make him a derp of my own." he look at Ssundee one more time "And please use protection, I know how big Crainer is and I don't want to see little Crainer running around." he wink at them and left.

"Well... That's interesting." I said to ignore the silence.

"Yeah... Wait you had sex with him?!"

"NO! Maybe he use a hidden camera when I'm taking a shower."

"You jerk off when your taking a shower?!"


"Guys please don't shout, people are working in here in the 'kitchen' and your shouting those things."

"Nah, It's cool, we girls are attracted to BxB." Sonja said while looking at the couple.

"Don't eat them Sonja."

"I thought Crainer's going to eat Ssundee?" Crainer and Ssundee blush "How adorable, now run along and do your things." they held hands and walk away.

"So, what cha doin'?" I ask Sonja.

"Fangirling to Crundee oh and making you some pie."

"Thanks." she gave me a slice and I eat it "Pumpkin pie?"

"That's the only one we can make for today."

"Nah, it's fine, I kinda like pumpkin anyways."

"Well if your arm is okay right now make something for then boys and girls outside." I sighed and ate the slice of pie quietly.

(Time Skip)

Omg the town is almost finish! Just for the whole day they almost finish it!

"Good work guys! Tomorrow will be anothr day so let's eat!" I greeted them and they sat down on the chair, we have a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long table and veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long chair, or seat, anyways we ate our food, turkey, chicken, steak, porkchops, pies, melons, apples, milks and more.

We laugh while eating because the town and us, in the castle, didn't bond last time when dad is ruling, the towns people tell their stories and so do the guards and us.

When we finish eating we clean our dishes and we went to the finished houses, 10 persons per houses so my family and I are staying in a house together, there's nothing inside yet so we lay down on the floor.

"You know we can control our powers here so we can get a bed right?" Tucker said.

"Nah, just sleep." he sighed, I look outside because the window isn't close, I stood up and close it but something glimps in my eyes a shadow, I shot it with my bow and arrow and it died, a bright light shine around the area, I was shock that there's many shadows in here but now it's safe. I went back next to Tom and lay down beside him. I cuddle with him and put my head on his chest. I felt myself drifting to sleep.

I open my eyes and look around, my back hurts, not my lower back but my upper back. I look at Tom who was still sleeping. I stood up but Tom pulled me back to him and hug me "Don't leave yet, I want a hot person next to me to keep me warm." he whispered.

"Okay," I summon a 'hot' person next to him and we switch places "Are you getting warm now?"

"Burning hot!" he opened his eyes and saw a burning zombie next to him but it's dead "Jordan!"

"Hahaha! You should have seen your face!" I laugh my stomach out and saw the others looking at me with mad eyes "Sorry... I just can't stop." I kept laughing now Sonja splash a bucket of water on me "Okay, is that necessary?"

"You said you can't stop but hey you stop right?" I sighed and stood up and cross my arms.

"Look at Tom's clothes! It's burning!" they look at it and Tom panic and run around, Sonja splash him a bucket of water "Sorry Tom I didn't know your clothes will burn if I switch with a burning zombie." I said with a sad tone and a pout. Tom kissed my lips and our lips dance together.

"It's fine, I can't resist you pouting all day."

"After you two sucking faces and having sex help us to build houses." Sonja said and they left.

"Well that's our cue." Tom winked at me and I blushed.

"Just make it quick and don't be rough again."

"Will do." he kissed my lips and suck my neck. I moan and I can't help it to be loud. "Shhh, they'll hear."

"Y-yeah..." I moan quietly.

Omg I will get pregnat soon if we keep doing this.


End of Chapter

Hahaha sorry for teasing you from the last pat xD

Anyways I hope you like this.

I love you and Until next time,

Peace out!

✓ The Hidden Prince (SyndiSparklez)Where stories live. Discover now