Chapter 17

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I looked at Krisim and Minx who was sitting under the holy tree, they're holding hands and their eyes are closed. When you looked at them they are sooooooo cute together and suited for each other.

"So, Krisim is really a Dianitee?" Tom asked me again.

"Yes Tom, she is, one more stupid question then your sleeping outside our room." I threaten him and he just looked at me like I'm joking but I didn't change my face expression and he just sighed.

"Somebody's on their period." he whispered but ears gotten sharpen from time.

"I heard that you dip shit." I told him, he looked at me in terror "You'll be sleeping outside, this conversation is over." I walk with a fast pace while entering the castle, I can hear footsteps gaining so I run so fast and went to m- our room and locked it.

"Jordan!" he knocked on the door "Open the door!" I didn't say anything, I heard him sitting down while leaning behind the door, I sat down too while leaning on the door. "I won't leave you here, I'll stay here for the whole day until you open the door." I didn't move a muscle "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I love you." I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting to sleep.

(Dream Mode)

"I HATE YOU JORDAN!" I looked at Tom with terror "No! Hate isn't the word I'm looking for! I ABHOR YOU!" (For those who doesn't know abhor means extremly hate or dislike.) I screamed in terror.

"Tom! Please! I-I'm sorry!"

"Sorry isn't the a word that can give back the lives of **** and ****! You left **** back there knowing he's injured! **** is the only person that treats me like a son and he's like the person that feels like a father to me but you! You left him there! You know the **** will kill him but you left him!"

"T-Tom please!"

"It's over Jordan. We're over." he turned around.

"T-Tom!" I screamed "TOOOOOOM!" I shouted on the top of my lungs.

(End of dream)

"TOOOOM!" I shouted when I woke up with my hand reaching in front of me.

"Jordan! Open the door! You're having a nightmare!" Tom slam the door. "Jordan!" He shouted again, I can hear him cry. "Tom, think, what am I going to do?" he paced back and forth. "Ah," I can hear him summoning his sword and destroy the lock, opened it, I was laying down on the floor crying and he was standing up, he sat down, I hugged him tightly.

"Tom! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I love you Tom! Don't leave me." Tom hugged me and stroke my hair.

"Jordan," he whispered to me with love and care "I love you, I won't leave you, I can't even use any words to describe you, love isn't just a word to tell and express for you, you are precious to me."

"Please... Don't leave me..." I closed my eyes.

(Tom's POV)

I looked at him with a worried face, Why would I leave him? Even if he did something wrong I won't leave him.

"What if I show you what's on his dream earlier?" Dianite said in my head.

"M'Lord? Please, I want to."

"Okay, just don't be shock, sometimes- no everytime Jordan dreams and remembers every morning or day then it's coming true."

"I'm okay with that." I looked at Jordan, carrying him to the bed and I lay down too "Bring it on dream!"

(Dream mode)

I looked around and saw that there's another me and in front of me is Jordan, crying, I looked around again and saw the kingdom and town was destroyed, filled with flames.

"I HATE TOU JORDAN!" the other me shouted to him, I clenched my fists, why would I tell him that?! "No! Hate isn't the word that I'm looking for! I ABHOR YOU!" Shit big words, I cri evrytim, I was stopped when Jordan screamed in terror, he might not notice the skies are filled with lightning.

"Tom! Please! I-I'm sorry!"

"Sorry isn't a word that can give back the lives of **** and ****! You left **** back there knowing he's injured! **** is the only person that treats me like a son and he's like the person that feels like a father to me but you! You left him there! You know the **** will kill him but you left him!" w-what?! **** died?! he is like a father to me but I won't be angry to Jordan! **** might forced Jordan to leave and told him to protect me!

"T-Tom please!"

"It's over Jordan. We're over." the other me walked away.

"Tom?! TOOOOOOOOOM!!!" Jordan shouted and cried, I felt like the world is crumbling down, the earth was cracking, the sky is flashing with thunder, the sea is forming a tsunami and the wind is forming a tornado. I flew to him and hugged him "T-Tom! I love you." I kissed his temple and felt myself waking up.

(End of dream)

I opened my eyes and looked at Jordan who was still asleep, I kissed his temple "I love you Jordan, I will always love you." I kissed his lips and hugged him.

"T-Tom?" Jordan whispered.


"P-please don't leave me."

"I will never leave you Jordan, I love you so much to leave you."

"I-I love you too Tom."

"I love you more Jordan."


End of chapter


Anyways I'm sorry and I love you guys.

✓ The Hidden Prince (SyndiSparklez)Where stories live. Discover now