Chapter 33

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It's finally done! The safe 'town' is finally done! I think tomorrow we will go bacl to the kingdom, good thing I have some guards there to protect. I sat on a chair and read a letter from one of the guards.

Dear King Jordan,

You've been out of the kingdom for so long some bandits tried to raid the kingdom but failed, some other kingdom tried to raid us also but also failed since you made your futuristic weapons and they tremble on the ground. Some tried to find you to make an alliance but I said to come back to another time, I would like to ask when will you go back here?

Sincerely Guard Ohm.

I laugh at the 'sincerely' part, he's getting formal again, G. Ohm and I are friends for as long as I remember but we never get the chance to be best friends since he's always with father. I sigh and fold the paper and place it on the table and went out. I look around and it's so quiet. No laughters, no talking, no shouting just a quiet place. I panic and run around the area and found Tom hiding up the tree and I tap him and he scream like a girl and fell down. I laugh at his scream his misfortune. "I hate you!" as he stood up.

"But you love me." I jump down and he catch me "Right?"


"Do you not love me?"

"Of course I love you!" he kiss my lips "Now let's find people because we thought that we should play hide and seek and your the seeker."

"Wow, no fair."

"So does life." he puts me down and we walk around and saw Tucker and Sonja having a make up session. I throw a condom to them, don't ask, and they look at us and started to run but they trip from the root in the ground so Tom tag them both while I laugh at them.

"Wow!" I laugh as Tucker shouted at the root. Poor root. We walk for more minutes and found children laughing and playing so I sneak behind them and scare them, they scream and run away but I'm faster that them and tag them, they pouted and went to Tom. But he's mine. I tug Tom and he just smiled knowing I'm getting jelous. Cocky bastard. We spent hours and we finally found them all. We laugh at their reactions when they saw us. They took the game too serious but we all have fun.

Currenlty we're sitting together inside the mess room because people are welcome here and not to be formal. "I would like an announcment!" I said as the voices, the people talking, got quiet. "Tomorrow we will be returning back to the kingdom." they cheered but some pouted. "I know some of you will miss this place, I do too but need to head back to the kingdom and we could come back here, as a family, for vacations or if we all really need to relief stress." they all cheer and that made me smile. I sat back down and we continue to 'eat' more like to chat to each other, no formalities, no ranks, just being simple people who are friends to each other.


I felt a cold presence touch my neck so I touch it and it became warm again. What's that? Who said that? Why 10? What will happened? Will it be in 10 days? I felt my hand getting warm and saw Tom squeezing my hand so I gave him a smile. Whatever that is I would ask to Dec.


YAAAAY I UPDATED! EVEN THOUGH IT'S SHORT I MADE ANOTHER CHAPTER! I feel like a jerk not updating this story so I wrote one, tomorrow I should update my other story and comment who donyou want to be paired in the one shot collection?

I love you all and I miss you guys 😙

Peace out!

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