Chapter 3

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Jordan's POV

After what happen yesterday my dreams changed later that night, the dragon I saw was laying down with blood but I was recovering it. Tom was there but recovering something with three head named dianite and both Sonja and Tucker are recovering three huge eyeballs like a fish named mianite.

"Jordan wake up!" I heard Tom said and I suddenly sat up didn't know that our face is so close. I felt my face getting hot "Are you okay?" Tom touched my forehead. Wait he saw my face! I covered my face with the blanket.

"What time is it?"

"Around 6 am I think, why? And why are you covering your face?"

"I don't like people seeing my face."

"Here." he gave me something, a sunglasses, black and red. I put them on and I uncover myself and we went to the kitchen area, I saw Tucker and Sonja there eating breakfast, Tucker was eating eggs and Sonja is eating blue berries, she really loves blue berries?

"You should eat to, I made you breakfast." Tom said giving me a plate and a fish on top of the plate.

"Thanks..." it wasn't available to eat but he made it for me so it was okay.

"You don't have to eat it you know." Tom said and took the plate and sighed.

I walked to the stove and put two fishes on the frying pan and cook them, I put some salt and something herbal for the smell. Sonja looked at me with watery mouth.

"Sorry Sonja but he's cooking for tom and himself." Tucker said smiling and Sonja just smiled knowing what he meant.

After a couple of minutes I finished cooking and gave one to Tom and for myself. "You know you don't have to cook."

"Nah it's fine, I always cook for my friends."

"You know, you're not bad for an 18 years old."

"How old are you?" I asked while cutting the fish in half and gave the half to Sonja who thanked me.

"I'm 20 years old."

"Tom can I have the half of your fish?"

"Nope, cook your own." He poke his tongue out and Tucker plead but ot was no effect.

I sighed "Tonight I'll cook for you."

"Can I have some too?" Sonja asked, I just nod and Tom asked for him too and I nod again.

"What's that smell?" Anthony said "OH MY GOODNESS! You cooked and you didn't gave some?!" he shouted "You Monster!"

"For a 24 year old you act like a 5 year old kid." I said and ate my food.

"Whatever." he pouted and went to Max telling him to cook him something.

"So you are like their mother?" Sonja asked.

"If you want to call it like that, yeah." Awkward silence came by, I cough to break the silence "So where are we going to hunt?"

"To The End."

"The End?"

"Yeah but be careful there's a dragon there." I nodded and felt excited.

-Time skip-

We're at the portal to 'The End'

"Ready guys?" Tom said and we all nod, we jumped to the poral together and just a blink of an eye we're there. I felt like I saw this in my dream, I touched the stones and it glows purple. I dug out of the portal and my head pop out of the floor of The End and saw a dragon. I jump in excitment and called the dragon.


"Jordan what are you doing?! You're going to get us killed!" Tom whispet shouted.

"Nah, the dragon's koo." I helped them to get up and wave at Ianite and she landed in front of me "How are you Ianite?!" I hugged her neck."

"What the..." Tom just shrug "Whatever, We're going to hunt some enderman so get your swords because your bow and arrows are useless." Tom explained and I took out a purple sword out and saw an enderman and takes it's pearl and beheaded it.

"This is going to be fun!" I shouted and Ianite just flew above us. I saw Tom was going to get ambushed by an enderman so I run to the enderman and beheaded it. "You okay?"

"I'm great, you?"

"I'm feeling nifty!" I smiled "This place is Gnarbuckle!"

"Okay, whatever you said.

Time passed by and we got 5 stacks of ender pearls and I said my good bye to Ianite.

"How'd you know the dragon?"

"I just felt that I really know her."

"So the dragon's a her, what's next the wither being a guy?"

"Leave Dianite alone!" Tom shouted to Tucker who argued back.

"Ladies, calm your tits down and we're going back to the overworld."

We got teleported by Ianite in our base. When we got teleported back we are below the tree and I saw a cute little green slime in the bushes so I run to it and picked it up "From now on I'll call you Jerry." I smiled and hugged him. Tom just shrug, Sonja wants to hold Jerry and Tucker is just being Tucker. Why do I felt that the four of us have a deep connection to each other?

"Hello little Jerry." Sonja coo at Jerry.

I heard rustling in the bush and saw a skeleton with a bow and ready to shoot Sonja but I was faster I shot the skeleton "Run!" I said and we run up to the tree and closed the door. Jerry jumped out of Sonja's arms and went to Tom. Tom looked at Jerry and Jerry jumped to him, Tom jumped a little but he catched Jerry.

"Awwww you cute little fella." he smiled petting his 'head'.

"It's freaking night already?!" Tucker shouted.

"Well people say that if you're doing something time passes quickly." I said and they just looked at me "What?"

"Where'd you hear that from?"

"I don't know, maybe in one of my dreams." I yawn "Can we go to bed?" I asked them.

"Sure, by the way Jordan there's no bed left so you're going to sleep with Tom." Sonja said.

"Fine by me." I yawn again "Just to get some sleep." I followed Tom and collapsed in bed "Good Night Tom" Jerry went under the bed and I put the glasses on the drawer.

Tom's POV (You didn't see that coming huh?)

I looked at Jordan and laid beside him, I looked at him and he was snoring a little. 'He must be tired' I thought. My God, he's so cute... Wait, What? Maybe I just need some sleep. I felt an arm around my stomach and a head on my chest. I sighed this is going to be a long night.


Hey guys!

Again this won't be a short story so don't worry about it.

Have a nice day!

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