Chapter 6

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A/N: Please bear with me, I made a mistake for mistaking Minx named Hannah, her real name is Michelle, I asked my brother what's Minx's real name and she said Hannah so I believe him and now I have trust issues in my family. I'm sorry if you were confused.


Jordan's POV

I toured everybody, Tom, Tucker, Sonja and Waglington, around the castle, Anthony went to his room, Max went somewhere with Adam and Michelle (Minx, Sorry if you were confused) with Krisim.

I told where they will sleep, next to my room of course, we have each different rooms but Sonja and Tucker wants to be in the same room so I said "Okay" and Tom doesn't want to be alone for some reason so I also said that he can stay in my room.

"Jerdern!" I looked at Tom who was shirtless laying in the bed, I saw his abs, although it's not a six pack but it's getting there "Can you lay down by my side?" he pouted and I sighed while my face is heating up, I lay next to him and he hugged me I look at his chest and I hugged him back and felt myself drifting to sleep.

(Time Skip)

"JORDAN!" I woke up and my face still facing at Tom's amazing, muscled, delicious, tasty chest "Good your awake, it's time for supper." Max said and I can hear and feel him smiling "Tom put on some shirt please." I looked up and saw Tom smiling and knowing he just also woke up.

"Sure." he looked down to me and smiled "Good evening Jerdern."

"Good Evening Thomas." we still hugged each other for a couple of minutes we stared to each other.

"Jordan there's something I want to tell you."

"What is it Tom?"


"JORDAN!! TOM!! WE SHOULD GET GOING!! WE ARE STARVING!!" Sonja entered the room without knocking and when she looked at us she smiled so wide it reached ear to ear "Sorry, I'll come back later."

"No, we're going to get up anyway." Tom said with an angry tone to Sonja and Sonja frowned, Tom wears a shirt and I stood up out of bed and we went to the dining area.

On the way down we saw my mother, when she looked at me she smiled "Hello Jordan."

"Mother!" I run to her and hugged her "I missed you so much!"

"Well so do I," she hugged me back "A mother misses her child when they made their great desicions." she kissed my forehead "I love you Jordan."

"I love you too." I did broke our hug and look at Tom, Tucker and Sonja "Mother this is Tom," pointing at him "Tucker and Sonja" pointing at them both.

"Ah, Good Evening! You must be Jordan's new friend and family." I smiled.

"Yes, we are."

"Oh drop the formalities, please, I don't want to be formal with Jordan's friends."

"Mom!" I whined.

"Shush Jordan!" Mother look at Tom and smiled "So Tom, how's Jordan being in your arms?"

"Mom!" I blushed bright red so does Tom.

"What? When I entered your room earlier you were both sleeping hugging each other!" she clapped "Ooooh I almost forgot! I took a photo in your old camera you crafted!" holding the picture in her hands showing us "You two look so cute!" mine and Tom's face heated up and you can see the red in our faces in embarrasment. "Please don't make babies so early, I don't want to be a grandmother so early!"

"Don't worry, us being next room to their's they won't do it so early." Sonja said so easily.

"Thank you very much Sonja! Oh I just notice that you are like a sister and a mother to them! Also are you and Tucker dating?"


"Oh! That's great! But you also must use protection!"

"Oh My Ianite! MOOOOM!" I saw the two of them getting red.

"Why? They should know that they should use protection because they are still young!"

"Mooom! Please! Let's just go to the dining area and eat supper!" mom pouted.

"Fine." she keeps pouting and we're walking downstairs.

"Sorry guys, I forgot to tell you that mom is quite embarrasing."

"No, it's fine." Sonja said with a smile "I love your mother! She's an amazing lady."

"Yup she is!" Tucker agrees.

"Yeah, your mom's great!" Tom said still blushing like me.


Sorry for making this a short chapter but I will upload again later.

It's mother's day so I made a mother's day special chapter!

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