Chapter 11

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It's been a month after my parents died, I got crowned as King at first it was easy but after awhile it becames more harder.(That's what she said. SORRY I HAVE TOO!) But if you get a hang of it, it will be easy as counting one to ten.

"Jerdern! Sleep with me now!"

"I have to finish this Tom."

"It's fucking 11 in the night and you need rest, sleep now." Tom scolded me like a mother.

"Okay mom." I'm fine using or hearing the word mom, dad, father, mother, etc. I moved on, well that's life. I stood up from the chair and walk to the left side of the bed. I lay down beside Tom and cuddle with him. "Good night Thomas, I love you."

"Good night to you tok Jerdern, I love you more."

"I love you the most." I replied. (Do you know the reference? No? Okay...) I felt myself drifting to sleep.

(Dream mode)

I looked around and saw nothing but darkness, again? This happen before but now I can see the light. I closed my eyes so I don't get blind but when I opened them I saw myself falling into a kingdom. I looked around and saw Tom, Sonja and Tucker beside me, I hold Tom and Sonja's hand and they looked at me and smiled, I smiled back and the four of us hugged each other while falling. When we expect a huge impact when we hit the ground we didn't felt anything, something was lifting us and we were greatful for who that person is. When we reached the ground Tucker and Sonja fell on the ground unconsciously, something hit the back of my neck and I fell on the ground, unconscious.


I opened my eyes and looked at Tom who saw snoring softly, I smiled and kissed his cheeks, I stood up and immediately sat on my working chair and work with some paper to be checked and to be have the kingdom some supply of food.

"Good morning Jerdern." Tom sat up on the bed.

"Good morning Thomas."

"You really like the chair huh? I should beat up that chair because it's stealing you from me."

"Don't! We had a connection!"

"What kind of connection?" Tom asked with a mischief smile.

"My butt on it's face!" he laughed an I smiled.

"That's why I need to beat it, burn it and throw the ashes on the ocean."

"Sorry Tom but that won't happen." I continue working the paper work, "last one paper and I don't want to see any paper again!"

"Oh by the way Jordan there's another pile of paper outside."


"Chill, I was kidding, you were talking instead of thinking it."

"Don't do that again please Tom."

"Wait I need you to sign this." He stood up, took something in the drawer and put it in front of me but it was folded. "Sign it."

"But I need to see what is it."

"Just sign it."

"Nope, tell me what it is."

"Nevermind." he grumbled and ripped the paper to pieces and throw it on the trash can.

"Tom? Are you mad?" he made back on the bed. I finished the paper so I walked to him and sat beside him on the bed.

"Me? Mad? Nope."

"Tom?" he sighed "Tell me what it is."

"It's just a stupid way to make you marry me."

"Stupid, propose to me and you and me will get engage and soon we will be married."

"I know but I was just being stupid."

"Well that's why I fell for you, you were acting stupid but you are smart at the same time." I kissed his cheek. "I love you Tom Cassell."

"I love you too Jordan Maron."


I forgot I had emojis XD

Sorry this is a short chapter

but it's the second chapter I publish so it's fine.

Also the name of Jordan and Tom's child XD you can still suggest what name I should give it, it's a boy.

Anyways have a nice day.

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