Chapter 2- "Somewhere only we know"

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He is walking through the doorway of the classroom when I look over at him. My eyes are on him while his are on his phone in his hand. He pauses for a second, turning off his phone and putting it in his pocket before walking straight past me to his seat without even sparing me a glance. I mean why would he? It's not like were particularly friends or anything like that. I wish we were. I wish we were a lot more than that.

Tyler Avery. Hes the most popular guy in the school. He's the guy that everyone wants or wants to be. He's very handsome and quite smart. He's one of the schools football players, the captain acctually and has been offered scholarships from quite a few different places or so I've heard. I haven't acctually spoken to him except small talk or unless we were required to do so.

Although he's popular, Tyler keeps to himself in class and keeps his head down. When he's with his friends, at a party or on the field he's the complete opposite, he's almost like a different person. It's intriguing.

Mrs Simmons kindly places my work infront of me and gives me a warm smile. I take a deep breath to clear my mind and I focus on the work.


The next few days pass by quickly, until today that is when the day feels like it's dragging on. When lunchtime finally comes around, I grab my food and sit on our usual table where Tara and our new addition to the group, Marley are currently sat.

I greet them and take a seat. Tara, Marley and I immerse in conversation, Quinn and Cassie joining in when they arrive.

Marley tells us about some of her adventures. Including how she got herself stuck in a cave alone and had to try and call her dad (when she eventually got a signal). He had to call the fire brigade to help get her out as a bunch of rocks had fallen and trapped her inside.

"Hey, I'm going on a camping trip with my dad in the middle of October if you guys want to come? I'm sure my dad wont mind." Marley suggests.

"In October? But it's freezing in October?" Quinn questions.

"Sounds great." Huh. I know Tara did not just say that. That is so out of character. She absolutely hates anything involving getting dirty, especially camping and especially anything including bugs. What the acctual fu-

"I'm down. It'll give me a chance to read my new book I've been dying to read but I needed to wait for the right vibe. You know?" Cassie adds.

"I mean why not? Could be fun." I'm clearly not thinking straight either because I just know I'm gonna be freezing but oh well.

"Great. I'll send you the details closer to the time."

I see Jackson sat close by with his friends: Mason, Wes and Dean. I look at him and he must feel that I am because he looks straight up at me, smiling when he sees me. Noticing that I'm not in the middle of a conversation he motions for me to come over to him.

"I'm gonna go and sit with Jackson for a bit." I tell the girls.

I walk towards Jackson, passing Kelly (The mean girl of our school) on the way. She looks me up and down as I pass her "Your sweater is ugly, it matches you perfectly." She says with a sweet smile.

"I like it more now I know you hate it. It must've been a good choice considering what you're wearing." I state without sparing her a glance.

"What I'm wearing is socially acceptable, you on the other hand...." She trails off.

"Oh I didn't take you as the type to follow trends Kelly. Me? I don't follow trends. I make them. Bye now."

When I get over to Jackson's table Jackson moves over and makes room so I can sit next to him. We usually do this at lunchtime. We all switch between the tables because we're all friends but mainly Jackson and I switch so we're together. He can't stand being without me I guess I'm just irreplaceable.

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