Chapter 5- "The best gift"

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Tyler helps me collect my things handing them to me with a shy smile. "Thanks." I say still in shock.

"You heading to English?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I answer quickly.

"Let's go then." With me? Ok then. I'm totally freaking out right now.

We walk to class together in silence. When we get there he let's me though the door first. Jackson is already in the class but has his head in his phone. He looks up when I walk in with Tyler but immediately looks back down at his phone. That's strange. I take my seat next to him and we begin the lesson, Jackson acting weird throughout it.

Halfway though the lesson most of us have completed the work; we are waiting for the others to finish so that we can move on. Mrs Simmons starts gossiping with us, she likes to know what's going on. "So tell me about this big party Tara had, something juicy must've happened." I knowingly look towards Jackson. He shakes his head which just intrigues Mrs Simmons more. "Come on. Now I've got to know." She says moving her chair to right infront of us. She looks between the two of us, waiting for one of us to crack.

"Well to start this random boy fell into the pool, he's fine but it was really funny. Then we were chasing after the 'Poster person' who were sticking up posters to join a cult around Tara's house. I spent most of the night looking for Jack and when I finally found him he ran off with Wes and I somehow got involved into a teddy slash pillow fight between the two of them. Oh also Quinn volunteered to look after Wes and he then decided to jump in the pool and soak her and everyone surrounding them."

"Acctually I got involved in your teddy fight with Wes because he threw the first one at you." Jackson comments.

"Don't forget that fight." Someone chimes in

Huh? "What fight?" I question turning around to look at the voice. Surely if there was a fight I would've known about it. And it was Tara's party so if there was a fight she would definitely know about it and she would've told me? Wouldn't she? Jackson turns to the side to also look at the person, clearly giving them a 'shut up' face. What the hell is going on?

"Jackson and Mason." The person replies. Jackson and Mason? Jackson and Mason, his bestfreind Mason?

"Jackson Sousa and Mason Mickinney?" I say dumbfound.

"Yeah, they're the only Jackson's and Mason's that I know."

"Huh? I'm gonna need some context here." I say to no one in particular, anyone that can give me answers would be good.

"Yeah lots of context." Mrs Simmons agrees. She looks just as shocked and confused as I do and I was at the party, unbeknownst to the whole ordeal.

"Wait. You're not gonna report us for saying this are you?" Tyler adds.

"Not if you don't report me for not reporting it. Just pretend you're doing work if anyone comes in." She waits for a minute and when no one speaks she says "Continue."

"No please, please don't." Jackson pleads hiding his face in his hands.

"It was a while after the party started. They were both drunk and Jackson was making out with some girl. Mason pulled him away and they got into an argument about some other girl. They both got in a few punches until Wes stopped them both and Mason said that he was leaving and that was that." They explain.

A girl? What girl? They fought over a girl? I never thought that would happen. They have completely different taste. Mason normally goes for the blonde, cheerleader type. He's a player, so this girl must be really special if he cares about her. Whereas Jackson's type is normally smart and brunette, based on the little amount of girls he's been with or the ones I know about anyway.

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