Chapter 17- "Epiphany"

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Classes drag on all day until English that is. When we get into English Mrs Simmons asks us all about the week we had off. She told us that she was at the festival the same day we were and that she saw us at the competition and congratulatulated us even though we didn't win.

Tyler and I have been good since my talk with his sister. He's asked me to go around his house a few times but I keep deflecting, like saying I'm hungry and want to eat out insteadof going to his house. He's also asked me to go to the desert shop but I wont, not until I know the truth. I don't feel safe going to his house after what Laura said to me, maybe she did it to scare me off but I can't take any chances.

I'm not sure what to believe. Denise must've done something bad for her own daughter to hate her as for her husband Lauren seems to hate him too and even Tyler admitted that. Maybe the best thing is to ask Tyler about the conflict between his parents and her but I don't want to pry, plus he could be biased.

I clue Mrs Simmons in on the basics but leave out the major secret containing me and a certain boy named Tyler as no one knows about that, except Tara and Wes who I didn't intentionally want to tell. I tell her about the camping trip, the disaster I was with the tent. I also tell her about Tara and I going out for wood and hearing Marley and Dean in the bushes and getting shit scared. I say that I decided to go home after that, that life in the woods wasn't for me, which is a half truth but I'm not going to tell the full class what really happened.

Mrs Simmons asks about us baking the cake and Jackson and I explain it to her. She laughs when I tell her about the aprons that Jackson bought and about the burger mishap and him tossing it into the sea. We spend the majority of the lesson talking and before we know it English is over and it's lunch time. English is always the quickest lesson because it's the most fun, even when we're not talking. Mrs Simmons doesn't give us homework either unless we haven't finished the work from class because we've been talking the full time.

I rush to the dinner line so I'm practically first in the queue. When I get my food and pay for it I speed walk to the table and eat quickly. None of my friends have even gotten their food nor have I even seen them by the time I'm finished. In a rush I make my way to the library.

We have a biology test tomorrow, the day before halloween, and I'm trying my hardest to study for it so that I can get a good grade. I plan on studying now (at lunch time) and after school at home for the remainder of the day. I haven't really studied for the test, only the odd few bits so I need to get working.

I've told everyone to leave me be and to not interrupt. They know better then to interrupt me when I'm studying. I had to threaten to chop Wes' finger off one time cause he wouldn't leave me alone. I think he was just grateful it wasn't something else but he left me alone nonetheless. I wouldn't acctually chop his finger off, that's gross but he seemed scared so the threat did the trick.

I study alone, in peace for a while until I look up from my pages and see Tyler heading my way.

He makes his way over to me and sits directly infront of me, looking troubled. I nervously look around and wait for him to speak.

"Were you going to tell me?" Huh?

"Tell you what?" I ask the first thing that comes to mind.

"That you spent the night. Sorry, two nights at another guys house?" Oh. That's what this is about.

"Another guy? Jacksons not just 'another guy' he's my bestfriend." He looks at me in disbelief. "What?"

"Do you not see how this looks." Apparently not. All my friends think the same so I can't really blame him.

"I get it if it was just some guy but he's not. We've known each other years. Look I'm sorry for not telling you I didn't think it was a big deal."

"So next time you'll tell me if you're sleeping at his house?" I guess it's reasonable enough.

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