Chapter 50- "Midnight"

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I sit on the office chair at the head of the table in the abandoned conference room

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I sit on the office chair at the head of the table in the abandoned conference room.

Not many people have come in here since that night out of fear.

I'm not afraid. I'm not the one who needs to be afraid, not anymore.

I thought it was fitting to do it in here.

To get justice for them in here.

I'm not afraid of the ghosts that live in here because I know they're standing right beside me tonight.

As I look outside the window I know that the real monsters are out there.

The real monsters are people you don't expect, people you trust which makes their betrayal so much harder because you never saw it coming.

The scary thing is monsters don't live in the shadows, they often don't look scary or out of place, they look normal. They have lives and families and people they care about who never thought they'd be capable of doing a single bad thing. They trick you with their lies and fake kindness.

You can't see the danger right infront of you until it's too late.

It's 11 years too late.

The real monsters are chasing after an innocent girl because I willed it because I manipulated them into it.

They're playing their own game but what they don't realise is they're just puppets on my string. They're playing into my hand without even realising it.

I know everything and it won't be long until everyone else does too.

They underestimate me but they won't for much longer because tonight we're playing a different game.

My game.

I hear the sound of movement as the clock strikes midnight but it isn't my time that's up. It's theirs.

I spin my chair around as the door clicks open.

"They're right behind me."


Earlier that day, T- 6 hours (6pm)

After we finished searching Denise's house we told the two teams, consisting of Quinn and Tara and Marley and Wes to meet back up with us. Imagine our surprise when 7 of them showed up to Jackson's house. Granted, we were going to invite Cassie, Mason and Dean but they still shocked us when they showed up before our invitation.

It's safe to say that both teams were annoyed that we cut the 'game' short, before either team could win but in my defence none of them would have backed down anytime soon and we're kinda short for time.

They started to explain how everyone got involved in teams but they must have noticed my demeanor as instead they started asking me what was wrong.

Luckily for me Jackson comes back into the basement with Kelly, who was in hiding out in one of his rooms upstairs, behind him. Now I can explain it all at once.

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