Chapter 10- "The Football Game"

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I tap my foot anxiously on the wooden floor, looking around aimlessly.

"Here you go dear." Jackson's Grandmother says, returning to the living room and handing me a glass of fresh orange juice.

"Thank you."

Jackson's Grandmother, Catherine, invited me over to her house. She had gotten my contact details from Jackson. She told me that she wanted to talk in person so that she could help me. I've met Catherine on a few different occasions like Jack's birthdays and stuff like that. From what I've gathered she's a really nice person and Jackson seems to adore her.

Jackson of course brought me to her house but she sent him upstairs. She said that it was a private and confidential conversation. I didn't really care but she said that this way I could choose what I wanted to tell him and what I didn't.

"I'm sure my grandson has caught you up on what I've told him so far?"

"Yes, he has."

"Ok. So as you know I'm here to help you run the company. To teach you how to run your company. Today we'll go over the basics."


"So first of all I was told to keep my identity secret. I'm assuming it's the same for you."

"That might be an issue." I grimace. "The news kind of got out and now everyone and their parents seem to know."

She nods. "Ok well that makes things complicated. There's nothing we can really do about that. We're just going to have to make sure you keep safe." She says. "Just make sure you're careful what information you tell other people."

"I will."

"In that case I'm sure the rumours have been heard at work by now. I think that we should go for a public approach then. If you're up for it. If there is someone out there we should show them that you're not afraid."


"Right, running the company. To start off do you know what work we do?"

"I have no clue."

She laughs softly at my answer. "We are a financial compan- JACKSON GET BACK UP THOSE STAIRS RIGHT NOW YOU NOSY LITTLE-" She stands up going towards the stairs.

I turn and my eyes follow her to the stairs where Jack's head is popped down looking through the rails. He groans. Catherine shoos him away, swatting at his head. He scrambles to his feet and retreats back upstairs.

"As I was saying before we were rudely inturpted" She says sitting down again. "We are a financial company. We do things like making investments, we invest our money to make a profit. We organise events, help people to be on budget whilst getting the best out of their money. We even have an app which is paid for monthly to help organise how people spend and what they are spending on and an easy way to access our services. We are in contact with some high up people, customers pay us to get wealthy people to events so they will spend money at them. Some of the wealthy people are even signed up to our program, where we do loans. They use their money to give someone a loan and we make sure the person pays it back the fair amount."

"So what parts of the buisness would I be running?"

"All of it. Obviously you wouldn't be doing all the work by yourself you have employees for that. You'd be the problem solver that oversees it all. The one responsible and the one people come to. It will be your company and you can do what you want with it and you'll be the one who gets the money from it."

"But I'm only 17. How am I gonna do this? I don't know if I can."

"I know it's hard dear. This is a lot to put on you. But I'm here to help, however long you need me for and whatever you need me for."

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