Chapter 12- "Cooking contest"

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I wake up to the light streaming through the windows. My eyes flutter open and I take in my surroundings. The room is familiar, the plain white paint covering the walls but it isn't what I normally wake up to. I'm then hit with the realisation of what occurred the night before.

I look to my side to see that Jackson is no longer in the bed. I make my way out of the room, through the hallways and down the stairs. "Jack?" I shout.

"I'm in the kitchen." He replies.

When I get to the kitchen my mouth gapes open in shock. Jackson giggles at my stunned expression. I scan the kitchen counter tops which are filled with all different types of ingredients and spices. Large bowls, pans, baking trays, wooden spoons and cutlery are all out of the cupboards and are all over the top. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"We are baking."

"Nuh uh. There's no we involved." I motion between us. "Why are you baking?"

"We are baking because of the Halloween baking contest." He persists.

"Don't you have a personal chef for that?"

"That kinda defeats the point and some could class that as cheating. We're gonna have fun baking don't worry."

"Fun for who?" I ask.

"Come on. Just give it a chance." He says. "We're gonna have a blast, it will be way better than tat camping trip. Watcha say?"

"Uhhh fine."

"Yay. Ok now grab an apron and a chef hat and let's get to work."

I pick up the apron reading the design on the front. Seriously?

"You like it?"

"Bakers gonna bake." I chuckle. "You don't acctually make your chefs wear these do you?"

"No. I got that one specialy for you."

"Oh so you planned this whole thing out in advance did you?"

"I was planning on luring you over one time but since you're already here, this was earlier. Do you like my apron?" He says stepping into my view.

"May the forks be with you." I look at him incredulously with my eyebrows raised and he becomes histerical with laughter at my reaction.

He stops for a moment to say "Now I know what to buy you for christamas."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh I would. Don't tempt me."

"We are never gonna beat Cassie."

"I know."

"So then what's the point?"

"The point is I feel bad for dragging you away from the camping trip and this will be fun. Now pass the flour"

I hand him the flour. "You didn't drag me away you know. I came willingly. Now what are we making?"

"I didn't think that far ahead."

"Why did you ask for the flour then?"

"To shut you up."

"Wow thanks." I say sarcastically.

"I figured we probably needed flour anyway. So what do you want to make?"

I shrug. "Is nothing an option?"

"Shut up and look in the halloween cookbook." That rhymes.

"Why do you have a halloween cookbook" He looks at me, silently telling me to shut up. "Alright." I scan through the book picking a few recipes because I know he's going to be fussy. "How about candy apples?"

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