Chapter 20- "Lead the way"

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I walked away. He told me to go so I did. I left the party without so much as another word. I walked straight passed Blaine who was stood in the hallway near the bar room. I walked passed my friends who came over to me as they saw me leaving. I ran away from Tyler when I saw him approaching.

I hate running and yet I felt so free running away from that house, from all my problems and responsibilities.

The feeling is short lived because I feel like I can't breath so have to stop to gasp for air. I forgot about the part where I don't run very often so am most definitely not cut out for this.

I continue walking in whichever direction I feel like, probably not a smart move but I'm not thinking clearly right now. I don't know where to go or where I'm going I just let my feet lead the way, I'm sick of thinking with my head.

I stop in realisation of where I am. Stupid feet, not you too. My full body is in love with Jackson I don't know how I was oblivious to it.

I decide to just go with it and walk though the all familiar bushes lined with flowers to the secret spot. Our secret spot by the beach.

I take a seat and wipe the tears from my cheeks with the backs of my hands.

The world is silent and the dark sky makes it hard to see. With me being outside, in the dark for so long I've got accustomed to the darkness surrounding me and can see a fair bit. The only noise that can be heard in the darkness of the night is the quiet soothing sound of the waves rippling.

I didn't do anything wrong but neither did he. Jackson has attachment issues, he sees you with someone else of course that's going to make him upset. If you'd have just told him maybe it could've been easier.

I spend what must be hours staring into space, watching the waves crash onto the shore. Water only stops pooling out of my eyes in short intervals and even as the sun rises I still find myself crying, unable to stop.

At some point I lay down on the concrete, resting my sleepless, stinging eyes for just a moment. Shivering from the cold, I somehow manage to fall asleep.


The softness, warmth and comfort surrounds me as I slowly wake up. Memories of last night come flooding back to me. I fell asleep on the- so why am I in a comfy bed?

I open my eyes and sit up quickly, in one motion. Oh. I'm in my room. I could've sworn I fell asleep at our spot near the beach. I try to recall but have absolutely no memory of coming home. I only had like a sip of alcohol why can't I remember?

I plan on spending the full day moping in my pyjamas in my bed because I'm too comfortable to move. I really don't feel like being social or going anywhere.

I watch a movie while my phone is charging trying to take my mind off everything. If Jackson wants space then I'll give him space. For now.

My phone turns on automatically when it's fully changed making a bing noise with a notification, I choose to ignore it.

Bing. Hopefully it will stop.





Bing. Fuck off




Bing. Seriously? Can't a girl get some peace and quiet.



Bing. I'm so close to throwing my phone across the room.


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