Chapter 15- "Lost in the Labyrinth"

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"Not happening." I say as Tara edges me towards her closet.

"And why not."

"Beacuse you're gonna put me in a cute outfit and I'm gonna love it and not want to take it off." I say

"And that's a problem because?"

"Because it's freezing and your outfits aren't weather appropriate. I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it."

"So what else are you gonna wear then?"

"I came prepared." I say walking into her closet. I make my way over to the far end where some of my clothes hang. Her wardrobe is big enough so they aren't taking up much room, she probably hasn't even noticed them.

Tara walks behind me, following. "How did you get those in there?"

"They've been in there for ages. I figured you wouldn't notice."

"I didn't." She admits. "So what outfit are you wearing from your secret stash of clothes?"

I hum in thought. "This one." I say picking out a white and brown striped knitted sweater.

" I say picking out a white and brown striped knitted sweater

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"Yeah, you're not picking out what I'm wearing."

"Hey. It's a nice jumper and it will look better when it's on and with some accessories." I say walking past her with the intention of changing.

"Wait." She says stopping me by softly grabbing my arm. "Sit." She says motioning for me to sit down on the seat in here.

I do as she asks and take a seat. I look up to her. "Yeah?"

"Um. Well I. I like someone. I really like someone. Um. That someone is uh. She's a girl." She pauses. "That someone is Marley. I have a crush on Marley."

She looks at me to asses my reaction smile at her. "I'm proud of you." I say before bursting out laughing. Tara looks at me with terror in my eyes and I realise what she thinks I'm laughing at. She thinks I'm joking about being proud of her. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry I wasn't joking or laughing at you." I say. "I'm laughing at the irony. You're coming out of the closet while we're in a closet. It's hilarious."

She shakes her head biting back a laugh. "Do you not have any questions?"

"No?" I pause "should I have brought a pamphlet or something?" I say not knowing if I should've come prepared.

"So you're ok with this?"

"It doesn't affect me so I'm not the one that needs to be okay with it, you are. But yeah of course I am. Now go and get your girl, girl."

"Easy for you to say. What am I meant to do? Walk up to her and hope that she likes me too?"

"That's what one would normally do, yes."

"But what if she's not into girls?"

"Tara I'm gonna be completely honest with you. I've seen the way you both act towards each other. There is a high possibility that she feels the same. If not then at least you tried."

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