Chapter 18- "You are in love"

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A/n the song ^^^ is for a specific scene, It says "the song you are in love starts playing." So dont get confused (it's towards the end). Hope you enjoy. If for some reason it's not up there it's You are in love by Taylor Swift.


Today is Halloween. The day I hopefully tell everyone about Tyler and I, if I don't back out that is. Tara and Wes are the only two that know.

The girls collectively decided to meet up at Tara's house to get ready in our matching outfits together. That was the plan anyway.

I had to go into the office today because there was a malfunction of some sorts on the app. I didn't know what to do but Cathrine called me in anyway. She said that I can learn for next time and that she was going to teach me to deal with things like that.

I told Tara, Marley, Cassie and Quinn to just get ready without me. Tara dropped my costume off at Jackson's house as that's where the party is going to be and Catherine is going to drop me off at his. When I arrive I'll have a small amount of time before the party starts which is why it's easier to just get changed at his house, he doesn't have a shortage of empty rooms.

When we get to Jackson's house I make my way past the front gate, Frank not being there to greet me is weird, his positive energy is unmatched and he always manages to put a smile on anyone's face. I guess Jackson give him the day off as he won't really be needed for an open house halloween party.

When I get inside the house lots of people are hurrying around in all directions. Has the party started already?

The people walk around placing a selection of items in various different places and checking off clipboards. Oh they're setting up the party. Why does he need so many people though?

"Rhi." I hear a voice and I look in it's general direction. Jackson is stood there in the middle of the now cleared out living room looking at me.

"I think someone stole....well, everything." I say looking around at the bare living room. "For real, where'd all your furniture go?"

"Bassement. My parents would flip if anyone spilt anything on their expensive furniture, figured it was best to move it."

"Are you panning on having the party in here? I thought it was meant to be in the big dining room, the one you normally have parties in?" He has two dining rooms. The big one is normally used for events once the long table and surrounding chairs have been removed, it's basically a ballroom. Their other dining room is smaller but still spacious and bigger than most peoples, they use that one day to day.

"The party is going to be in there but people will still come in here and I can't take any chances. You know how careless teenagers are."

"You're a teenager."

"And I know the wrath of my parents, which deters me from spilling stuff. Your clothes are in the room next to mine. You should start getting ready, the party starts soon."

"You're not ready either."

"I will be soon."

"So will I." I reply.


I make my way up the stairs that seem never-ending and to the room next-door to Jacksons.

I walk through the door and immediately spot the large, long bag on the bed with my dress inside. On the floor nearby is a hold all bag with my shoes, makeup and other accessories inside.

I put on a playlist and begin getting ready.

Jackson's POV:

I finish getting ready and leave my bedroom. I look towards the shut door to my right and hear the faint hum of music, Taylor swift no doubt. I thought the ammont she listened was bad before but now that Taylor's brought out a new album she has that constantly on repeat, not that I'm complaining. Once I actually started listening to Taylor's songs I found myself enjoying them. Nothing makes me happier then seeing Rhi's face light up when Taylor swift comes on.

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