Chapter 47- "Avengers Assemble"

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"Why does my dad have two guns?"

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"Why does my dad have two guns?"

Jackson gulps. "I don't know."

My phone sounds and I quickly grab it from my pocket.

Cassie: He's just started driving away.

"Shit. He's coming back we need to put all of this away quickly."

I grab the things from off the floor that I removed from the basket and put them back in the right places or near enough.

Jackson, with his gloves still on, grabs the guns and wraps them back up. He drags the basket back under the bed, just as I finish putting the stuff back in the other one. As he reaches to put the other basket under the bed we hear a car stop and the door loudly slam shut.

I stand up, waiting for him as he rushes to put the basket under the bed. He quickly stand up just as the bedroom door opens.

"Mariana." My dad says in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you."

"Why are you in my bedroom?"

"I was checking if you were in here." I say confidently, already having planned out this conversation.

"What did you need me for?"

"I was wanting to borrow the Avengers DVD from you, Jackson hasn't seen it and I was going to watch it with him."

"Oh yeah, sure." He says getting it from his shelf. "The key was meant to be for emergencies only though."

"I know but when you didn't answer the door I thought it might've been an emergency. You know how I am, always thinking the worst."

He hands me the DVD and I thank him before saying we'll have to go.

Jackson and I both let out a sigh of relief as we get in the car, my dad none the wiser about our true intentions for being there.

"Jackon hasn't watched the Avengers, hm? I'm sure it's his favourite movie." Jackson says, referring to himself in the 3rd person.

"I had to involve you in the excuse to explain why you were there. Plus free Avengers DVD." I say, holding up the box.

"That was a close one."

"Now we only have one house left to search, I have a feeling it's going to be the hardest since we have no connections and no way of knowing anything."

"Maybe not but we can make some." Jackson says, turning the corner.

"Yeah. Great idea. Let's go up to their next door neighbours and get them to help us break in. I'm sure they'd love to lend a helping hand." I sarcastically say.

"I meant we could get help from our friends." He states.

"Acctually, I think I have someone in mind that could help us."

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