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One of the many moving city's of the Ursus empire. Once it was a peaceful city. But now its nothing more but a warzone between the people who are known as infected and the Ursus military force. Can you blame them? The Ursus isn't famous cause they have the most powerful military in the world of Terra but because of their HATE towards those that are what we call infected.

The Ursus force killing infected left and right does leave an imagine and a fact that the Ursus force doesn't care. If your infected and your living near the Ursus empire you better start praying for what god you believe in.

We can see a part of Chernobog almost fully on fire. Reason? The answer is riot. Those who are infected had enough of Ursus system so they rebelled against not only to the Ursus empire but to the world itself. Now this whole riot didn't start here of course. Even before this, there is already a group of infected people who were already on the move to pass judgment. And that group is known as The Reunion, a organization of infected people with only one goal in mind. To pass judgment on those who wronged them. The Infected. And if you think the Reunion thugs are bad down there, oh you should see their ringleaders.

We can see chernobog in chaos. Rioters fighting against the Ursus force. And civilians are running for there life. 

???? : Quickly this way

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???? : Quickly this way

We can see a Ursus mother holding her children hand trying to run away from the ursus guards and from the chaos.

Ursus Boy : Mommy why are we running away??

Ursus Mother : Cause we are not safe here, and we need to get away from this chaos.

As they were running they bump into a group of Reunion group who immediately looked at them with amusement .

Reunion Group Leader : Well well well look what we have here boys. Some filthy chernos.

Reunion Member 2 : Where do you two think your going? 

Reunion Member 3 : And here we thought that we already cleared this block

Ursus Mother : No, please. Don't do this. You can do anything you want with me but please spare my child life.

Ursus Boy : Mom?

Ursus Mother : Shh its okay everything will be all right.

Reunion Group Leader : Its not nice to lie to your own child.

Reunion Member 4 : You think we will let you go after everything your kind did to us. All of you treated us like some monster. But now its our time to pass judgment.

Ursus Mother : Please you can kill me if that is what you want but pls spare my child he didn't do anything wro-

*Gun shot*

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