Reunion HQ Arc, Chapter 14 : Blue Eyes Meets Yellow Eyes

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2 days until Chernobog arrives at Lungmen 

After Tadashi witnessed his friend been taken to the control tower he knew that he needed to act quickly. Who knows what kinda things could the ringleaders do to gain information from him. Tadashi knows its really hard to break Ghost in order for them to gain any information out of him, that is what scares him the most. 

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : Alright, so current situation is. Ghost is been taken to the Ringleaders, my only easy entrance is gone now. Which leaves me with plan B, climbing the wall without being detected. 

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : Now i need to find a way quickly. I know Ghost is a tough shell to crack and if Ghost resists too much, the ringleaders will probably get annoyed by him and they might just kill him on the spot.

After Tadashi finished the briefing of the current situation in his mind. He started to look around the camp to find anything that could distract the Reunion while he enters the Control Tower. 

But sadly he didn't find anything, no explosives to distract them. No power generator to sabotage in order for the Reunion to look into it. Nothing.

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : Every member is busy either training or watching those who are training. I could just go and climb the wall now but it's still risky.

Tadashi started to walk around the wall trying to find a place where he can climb it. But to no vail he found nothing. Worst part is from afar it looked liked the wall is climbable, but it's not. The wall is barbwire on the top. As of now, Tadashi is in the worst possible situation.

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : Oh for the love of Feranmut's. Has the Feranmut Of Luck left me just when i needed it? *starts walking back to the main gate* This is bad, i need to find another way and fast. 

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : If not.

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : I will lose the only person who i can trust fully. 

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : Come on Tadashi, think thi-

*crash sounds*

While Tadashi made his way towards the main gate of the Control Tower Walls, he hears something crashing down loudly in the distance. He looks towards the direction where the sounds came from and he see two people picking up items that looks like medical supplies. 

???? : Oh my Feranmut's are you okay? 

???? : Yes i'm fine you don't need to worry miss.

One of them was a normal Reunion member, however his eyes widened when he sees who's the other person is. It was a female, by the looks of it she a Elafia. She had long, beautiful gray hair and a smile that could easily melt any easy-going man's heart.

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