Reunion HQ Arc, Chapter 16 : Regrets

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2 days until Chernobog arrives at Lungmen 

After the encounter with Alina and almost getting caught by Frostnova. Tadashi knew that he needs to act fast. If the interrogation is so bad that they need Alina's help, then Ghost will die if Tadashi doesn't arrive there in time. 

Tadashi is currently making his way to the top of the tower, through the staircase and let's just say. He really hates this Reunion outfit.

Tadashi Pov 

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : *heavy breathing* I-I swear. These . . . . . Reunion outfits are hot as fuck. But in the wrong way.

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought :  Alright.

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : Now that i'm inside the control tower and on my way to the meeting room, i need to come up with a plan. I can't just go inside the room, say hi and then leave with Ghost unharmed.

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : Let's see what's my current situation? I'm against a girl with a sword and an unstoppable power of fire, a girl with cold body issue and also an unstoppable ice power, a big fella with a big shield and a big spear, an annoying kid and his little sniper friend, and also an ex-coworker who loves blowing stuff up.

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : Yea, i'm pretty sure the odds are on my side today. Yea.

While Tadashi was thinking about his current situation he looks up and down in the staircase to see his current position. Which to Tadashi's displeaser there is at least 20 more floors till he reaches the top floor.

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fuck, i should've keep my disguise and take the elevator with Alina and Yelena.

After his little outburst he continued to walk up on the stair. While he's walking up, Tadashi starts thinking about the plan to save Ghost from the ringleaders. But to no vail he can't come up with one, not yet at least. Tadashi looks up once more in the staircase seeing the top part of it. He needs to go forward, he has to for his friend, for his sworn Brother. 

After he thought about his friend yet again, he's facial expression quickly changed when he was thinking about Ghost, more specifically how they meet.


Current location : Wasteland of Kazdel


Sarkaz villager 1 : You monster!!!!!


Sarkaz Villager 2 : Go to hell.

A man can be seen, tied to a dead tree in the middle of the village. Front of the dead tree is crowd of sarkaz people. Peoples are throwing rocks, food, and many other things at the poor sarkaz man who is tied to the dead tree. Why you may ask? A Sarkaz woman with red hair told the villagers that this person is nothing more but a monster, and as long as he isn't kept in one place or if he's running freely then this village will be targeted by Kazdel and they won't get any support from the generals of Kazdel. Everyone who hated the man or known the man couldn't do anything else other then tying him up to the tree and throwing stuffs at him, unknown to them a young man in the crowd didn't do anything. All he did was just watching the scene in front of him.

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