Rhodes Island Arc, Chapter 7 : Weird, But Welcomed Allies

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3 days until Chernobog arrives at Lungmen

Dobermann Pov

After both Amiya and Tadashi gone to the armory, Dobermann started to set up the hologram field so that they can test Tadashi's skill in battle and determent what ranks and class he should be. But she was thinking about something else. Does he really needs this? She pretty much seen him defeat an army of reunions with ease.

Dobermann Thought : Hm we pretty much just need to decide which class he is and it's done. I should get the papers ready then.

Dobermann : Hm?

As Dobermann was about to go and get the operator profile papers, in the corner of her eyes she can see many operator entering the training room. She can see Elysium, Greythroat, Adnachiel and some other operators. Elysium looks everywhere to find someone. Dobermann goes down to Elysium and to the other operators to ask them why are they here all of the sudden. Elysium sees her and waves at her.

Elysium : Hello Dobermann. Sorry to bother you, but I have a quick questi-

Dobermann : You better have a good explanation as to why your here with this many operators, Operator Elysium.

Elysium couldn't finish his question cause of Dobermann angry toned question.

Dobermann asked him in a way that send shivers to not only to Elysium but for the other operator who know how strict and scary Dobermann is. And let's just say Elysium was not in his best shape after that.

Elysium : Y-Yea, i'm w-well . . . .w-we are here to ask that if Operator Ronin is here currently?

Dobermann Thought : Hm? They are searching for Tadashi? Did he do something bad already that pissed the others off?

Dobermann : Him and Amiya was here 10 minutes ago. I believe they are at the armory picking up a weapon for Ronin since his weapon apparently broke in a fight.

Elysium : So they could return in any minute?

Dobermann : Well yea. But i still didn't got my answer Operator Elysium. What with this many operators and you searching for the recruit?

Elysium : Well we are curious about him and we wanna see him in action. And aslo wanna talk with him.

Dobermann : Talk with him? Why?

Elysium : Well it's not everyday that the leader of Rhodes Island shows a recruit the facility personally. Me and others got curious about him.

Dobermann : Hm i see. Well i can answer one of your question. The reason why he is getting a special treatment than others. Cause he is Amiya's lost brother.

Elysium : Wait you knew?!?!?!

Dobermann : Hm? Yes i meet him in chernobog and Amiya told me that he is her brother but they aren't blood related. But why is it a big thing that all of you need to see him?

Elysium : Well it's Amiya. She is our leader, and we didn't know that she had a brother. We are just curious about him that's all.

Dobermann : Hm and you guys are here so you can see him how he fights and also talk with him?

Elysium : Pretty much yea.

Dobermann : . . . . . .

Dobermann : *sigh* Fine you guys can stay here and wait for their arrival, but don't disturb the training. Got it?

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