Lungmen Arc, Chapter 38 : Surprise After Surprise

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Location : Lungmen

Ch'en Pov

Ch'en : Can this day get any worse?

Ch'en says it in slight anger as she and Zheng are waiting for the L.G.D cars to cut through the traffic jam that they got their self into. Zheng who was in the driving seat slowly followed the car in front of them that contained the Rhodes Island members. Ch'en on the other hand was looking outside of the window, scanning for any possible threat that could interfere with the mission. 

Ch'en : Keep an eye on the road and our surroundings, I doubt the Reunion would miss this kind of opportunity to strike us.

Zheng : Understood.

After she gave her order to Zheng, she continued to look out for any possible threat around them. However, that lookout was short-lived as a voice from behind the vehicle was heard.

?????? : Miss Ch'en?

Hearing her name being called, Ch'en looks to the back of the vehicle. She was welcomed with the sight of Misha breathing hard. The scene made Ch'en curse under her breath as the condition of Misha seemed to worsen.

Ch'en : Yes?

Misha : Why were you looking for me?

Upon hearing the question, Ch'en was taken aback and simply kept looking into Misha's eyes as she didn't know what to say to her.

Misha : I don't remember doing anything bad against the L.G.D. So I don't know why I'm being taken into custody. 

Ch'en : . . . . . . . .  

No word was coming out of Ch'en's mouth as she simply returned her gaze towards the front of the car when it started to move. Seeing this, Misha became a bit anxious as no answer was given to her. The only thing she knows is that Rhodes Island wants to protect her and welcome her, more specifically Tadashi and Ghost. 

As those two names reappeared in her head, she wished that at least one of them was here to make her feel a bit braver and confident, to make her feel okay and safe. Not that she isn't safe with the two officers from the L.G.D. but after what the male officer said, her doubts about the police force of Lungmen reappeared in her mind. Misha looked at the lung again to ask her the obvious question.

Misha : Is it because I'm infected?

Once again, no words were spoken from Ch'en as she continued to watch the front of the car. Seeing this, Misha can only let out a tired sigh and look outside of the window. However, her gaze shifted back to Ch'en when she heard her voice.

Ch'en : Your being infected is not the reason you are here with us. 

Misha : H-Huh? 

Ch'en : The reason why you are here is because of your father. 

Misha : My. . . . .father?

Ch'en : Your father was a scientist in Chernobog, one of the most renowned.

Ch'en : You as his daughter targeted by the Reunion, for what reason is still unknown to us but we can't take any risks. Therefore, it was necessary for us to make sure you won't fall into their hands.

As Ch'en finally gave her answer to Misha about why she was taken into custody by them. Misha lowers her head in sadness as the realisation hits her. Meanwhile, the L.G.D. convoy finally broke through the traffic jam, giving them a clear route to the L.G.D. HQ.

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