Lungmen Arc, Chapter 37 : Solutions There, Problems Here

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Location : Chernobog 

??? Pov

????? : So, this is Chernobog?

Two men were currently walking on one of the ruined streets of Chernobog while they were looking around and inspecting the city. One of them was a tall male in a formal suit with white hair and walked calmly while his hand was behind his back. His companion is a short male who has black hair and a cowboy-like hat. He wore some rather torn clothes and had bandages all over his face, leaving only his eyes and nose to be visible.

????? : So it seems. I was expecting that the city would be in ruins after the attack from the Reunion movement. But comparing the city that I imagined would look like after the attack from the Reunion, this city is a rather good condition.

The two men continued to walk down the street until they arrived at a two-way street. The tall one looked to his left and instantly spotted the control tower of Chernobog, he signalled to his partner and soon both of them started to walk towards their destination.

????? : Hm, seems like the control tower is in good condition and the walls seem to be intact as well. No wonder they made that place their HQ-

????? : Argh can we speed this up? I'm getting really bored here. She said that there would be people to play with yet I see no one so far.

????? : Patience my dear friend. I can assure you that after we meet with their leader and Dr. Lilith, she will give you the satisfaction that you yearn for.

(Author : Not that type of satisfaction. Everyone, get your heads out of the gutter.)

????? : She better be! After the briefing of the mission at HQ, I couldn't wait to get into action.

As the man with the brown hat talked with excitement, the other one who was rather tall couldn't help but chuckle at his companion's enthusiasm that is displayed.

????? : So eager to fight even tho we just arrived?

????? : Can you blame me? The target is someone who is among those who are classified as a Special Threat. I'm dying to know if the rumours are true. Oh I can't wait to get a-

????? : Now now, remember why we are here. 

????? : Tch. I know, I know, let's just get this over with.

After a long walk and talking, the two males slowly arrived at the entrance of the Reunion HQ. When the two men had a view of the entrance, they noticed two guards standing at the door which made the short male raise his head and look at the entrance with a little surprise.

????? : Huh seems like the Reunion is smart enough to put guards on their doorsteps, I thought they would be stupid and not put any security up.

????? : So it seems. Now, please let me do the talking with them. We don't want them to think that we are their enemies.

????? : Tch fine.

The two men slowly walked up to the entrance and were noticed by the two guards who instantly drew their weapons at them.

Reunion Guard 1 : Stop right there!!!

????? : Morning gentlemen.

Reunion Guard 2 : Hold it! State your business here!

????? : Why are you waving that tiny sword towards us? Are you looking for a fight??

The male with the unusual skin colour asked the guards with excitement in his voice while slowly reaching for something on his hips. The two guards took notice of this and instantly pointed their swords at the man. However before either of them could do or say anything, the tall man in a formal suit spoke up.

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