Lungmen Arc, Chapter 29 : Good Morning Lungmen

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Location : Lungmen, L.G.D HQ 6:25 am

Ch'en Pov

The officers of the L.G.D were currently getting ready for the joint operation with Rhodes Island. Their task is the locate and bring the target back to the HQ and interrogate her. Her father was a renowned chernobog scientist. Based on the intel's that Ghost got from the Reunion, they want her to gain information about her father however for what purpose is unknown. Everyone in the HQ was busy doing their own part of the operation.


Well, most of them.

Swire : Absolutely not. The face you made after he defeated you was priceless.

Ch'en : Argh shut up already and finish your paperwork!

Swire : The fact that you were so confident that you will defeat him makes it even better now that I think about it.

Swire continues to laugh at Ch'en while she was doing her paperwork. After the fight between Ronin and Ch'en, the whole HQ knows about the fight and her defeat. How you may ask?

Let's just say a cat who is currently not doing her work recorded the fight and sent the video to everyone in the L.G.D HQ. This of course didn't go unnoticed by Ch'en who was immediately bombarded with questions when she arrived at the HQ in the morning. When she was walking to her office, she even saw people still watching the video of the fight and saying stuff about the fight, things that made her even angrier.

Hoshiguma : Swire, I think that's enough. Ch'en has already a lot of things in the morning.

Swire : Oh come on what's the worst that could happen if everyone in the L.G.D knows about our great and powerful leader getting defeated by a carefree and handsome guy like him?

Hoshiguma : *sigh* Why do you two always need to be at each other's throats?

Swire : Cause it's fun pointing out her mistakes.

Ch'en : If you're done getting on my nerves you can continue your paperwork.

Swire : You don't need to order me around, I finish the paperwork later.

Ch'en : Like you did with the rest? I wouldn't have to order you if you actually did your job you lazy good-for-nothing cat.

Swire : What did you say? You bitchy workaholic dragon.

Ch'en : Just telling the truth.

Swire : Why you-

Hoshiguma : Alright enough you two, let's not get at each other's throat. first in the morning. We will have a joint mission with Rhodes Island in 2 hours.

Ch'en : *sigh* Right, we need to be done with these reports before they arrive.

Ch'en : I just hope that guy won't be there.

Hearing Ch'en not wanting someone to be there with Rhodes Island, the two officers look at each other and then back to Ch'en

Swire : Who do you not want to see there?

Ch'en : Ronin.

Swire : Huh? Why? What's wrong with him?

Ch'en : He's annoying and full of himself just because he defeated some rioters of the Reunion. 

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