Rhodes Island Arc, Chapter 11 : The Unknown Foe And The Curious Feline

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2 days until Chernobog arrives at Lungmen

Kal'tsit Pov

We can see operators in a small room discussing about what would be Rhodes Island next step is. Since they now know that the Reunion is going towards Lungmen. They still yet to receive any new information from Operator Ghost, but they have enough details that could help them.

Kal'tsit : Since everyone is here, let's go through on the informations we know so far.

Suddenly the lights of the room turned off and photos started to display on the whiteboard by a projector. Photos which were taken by Operator Ghost in Chernobog. Many photos displayed either Reunion members arming up with swords and bows, some with shield. Some photos displayed unknown soldiers training Reunion members to shoot and fight with either swords or hand to hand combat.

Amiya : As you can see the Reunion has increased in numbers by an unknown organization. That said unknown organization is also helping the Reunion by training them to fight and defend. We don't know if this organization will also help them in fight, but we can't be sure. Any question?

Scout : Do we know anything about the Reunions next step?

Kal'tsit : It is said that the Reunions next step is against Lungmen city, which is why we need to gain their trust and help in order to stop the Reunion.

Ace : Anything about new fire power they might have?

Amiya : Nothing new so far. It seems that the this new Organization doesn't have any advanced weapon or anything to help the Reunion with.

Nearl : How about their leader? The unknown organization must have someone with them in order to make a deal with the Reunion leaders.

Kal'tsit : We do have one person who stand out from the crowd.

Kal'tsit picks up a remote which controls the projector and pushes a button that would display the next photo on the board. The next photo displays a woman with white long hair which is tied to one pony tail, with black eyes and glasses.

 The next photo displays a woman with white long hair which is tied to one pony tail, with black eyes and glasses

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Amiya : Ghost managed to listen to the conversation to reveal some information about this unknown person. Her name is Dr.Lilith Blakewell, apparently she is the head of the organizations medical team, her age and race is unknown. 

Nearl : So we have another organization to worry about?

Ace : It seems so.

Kal'tsit : As of now we can't do much. We don't know how much this organization helped the Reunion. We don't know how strong the Reunion got or what equipment they got from them. All we can do is wait for Operator Ghost with more intel.

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