Lungmen Arc, Chapter 24 : Bright Healing

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(I felt funny so i thought i post another chapter.)

After the defeat of the Reunion army at one of Lungmen's entrances, Tadashi and Ghost meet up with two former officers of the police force of Lungmen.

Swire Pov

Swire and Hoshiguma were walking towards the two Rhodes Islanders to greet them and thanked them for helping them against the Reunion movement's assault. As they got closer and close to each other, Swire noticed the features of their helpers, the tall one was seemingly well built and wore some kinda military outfit and noticeable sarkaz horns and a skull mask which made her suddenly feel cold.

Swire Thoughts : That guy creeps me out.

Swire then looks at the lung to see a clear view of him. However, when she looked at the lung one, she suddenly finds herself blushing at the person's features. Pure white hair with golden eyes, a very noticeable lung tail with gold-coloured fur at the end of it and a smiling face which made her heart skip a beat.

Swire : Ara-Ara.

Hoshiguma : Hm? What is it Swire?

Swire : I guess it was because of how far away you two were fighting, was the cause that i didn't notice how good-looking our saviour is.

Hoshiguma : You say that roughly at any good-looking male. 

Swire : SSSHHHHH. Not this time, this is different.

Hoshiguma : PFT, yea yea. You said that about Yami as well.

Swire : SSSHHH Hoshiguma don't ruin this for me. That bitch is not here so let me have this moment pleeease.

Hoshiguma : *sigh* Fine.

After a long walk, the two groups finally meet up. When they finally stopped Tadashi welcomed them with a smile all while Ghost was watching their movements. 

Tadashi "Ronin" : Ah Miss Hoshiguma, glad to see you okay.

Hoshiguma : Same goes for you. I apologise for retreating earlier but some of the Reunion soldiers managed to get past our defences and i needed to protect my officers.

Tadashi "Ronin" : Oh please don't be, i understand, it's a normal thing do to if our comrades are in danger.

Hoshiguma smiles at Tadashi for understanding her past action of leaving him in the middle of the battlefield. 

Tadashi "Ronin" : Besides, i managed to defeat them with ease.

Hoshiguma : *chuckles* So it seems.

After Tadashi concluded his talk with the oni, his gaze lands on the unknown female feline who was standing next to Hoshiguma.

Tadashi "Ronin" : By the way, who is she?

Hoshiguma : Hm? Oh her! Sorry, i forgot to introduce her.

Hoshiguma : This is -

Hoshiguma couldn't continue the introduction of her college when the said person slowly walked towards Tadashi. When the feline arrived to Tadashi, she raise her uninjured arm up for a handshake.

Swire : Beatrix Schwire from the Lungmen Guard Department.

Swire : But for you Prince handsome, you can call me Swire.

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