Reunion HQ Arc, Chapter 19 : Who Are You?

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2 days until Chernobog arrives at Lungmen 

Kal'tist Pov 

Amiya, Kal'tist and Scout can be seen on the top floor of Rhodes Island base where the helicopters were stationed. Both Amiya and Kal'tsit were discussing the future plans for the Lungmen trip.

Kal'tsit : Amiya, me and Scout will go to Lungmen a bit early.

Amiya : H-Huh? B-But shouldn't we wait for Tadashi and Ghost with the intel? And for the Doctor to wake up?

Kal'tsit : We don't know when will Ronin and Ghost returns from the rescue mission and we delayed the meeting two times now. If we ask for a third delay, we might lose our chance to cooperate with the Lungmen president.

Amiya : Ah, I . . . . . I see. Then I will inform Warfarin of our departure.

Kal'tsit : No Amiya. For now, you will stay here.

Amiya : H-Huh? Why?

Kal'tsit : Just like you said, someone needs to wait for the doctor awakening. You will stay here and wait. Once he wakes up and fully checked by Warfarin, come to meet us in Lungmen with the medical reports about his condition. I already asked the Black Steel company to send bodyguards to makes sure your travel to lungmen will be safe.

A little blush appeared on Amiya's face hearing that Kal'tist requested a company to keep her safe on her future journey to Lungmen.

Amiya : I-I can protect myself you shouldn't have bothered Black Steel with such thing.

Kal'tsit : It's not that i don't think you can't protect yourself Amiya, don't get me wrong. I simply need to make sure you won't get hurt by some traveling Reunion Members or something worse.

Amiya : I-I see. 

Kal'tsit : Besides, the next thing i need is Tadashi talking about how i didn't sent bodyguards with you. He would probably go off and start shouting at me.

Amiya : *giggles* Yea, i can see that happening. Alright then Dr. Kal'tsit, then i see you at the meeting, hopefully with Ghost and Tadashi with the intels. 

Kal'tsit : Hm.*nods* Well then, see you later Amiya.

Scout : See you at the meeting kid.

Amiya : See you at the meeting Doctor Kal'tsit, Scout.

Kal'tsit and Scout turned around and made their way towards the helicopter which is stationed on the helipad. However it came to Kal'tsits attention that Scout was bothered by something, judging by his expression.

Kal'tsit : You are unusually quiet today Scout, is there something the matter?

Scout didn't responded immediately to Kal'tsit question. Kal'tsit looks at Scout seeing that he's thinking about something. After a while Scout spokes.

Scout : Nothing much really. I'm just, recollect myself from the recent events. 

Kal'tsit : Hm? Like?

Scout : The Chernobog rescue mission. If Tadashi didn't shown up, me and Ace would've died in that city and on top of that the fact that he's alive. The fact that YOU let him guard Aaron alone for 3 years in that godforsaken city.

Kal'tsit : It sound like your angry at me.

Scout : Not really, knowing the kid he's the best to ask to protect the Doctor. Just the fact that we didn't know about it is what makes me angry.

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