Lungmen Arc, Chapter 32 : Tired, More Tired, Even More Tired

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Location : Lungmen, L.G.D HQ, Superintended Ch'en's office 6:35 am

Ch'en Pov

Tadashi"Ronin" : And that's about it.

Currently inside Ch'en's office stood seven people. Ch'en herself sitting in front of her desk and on both of her sides stood Swire and Hoshiguma. In front of the desk stood, Junior Superintended Zheng, Yami the troublemaker of Lungmen. And of course the two operators from Rhodes Island, Ghost and Ronin.

After a long explanation from the four about what happened on top of the L.G.D HQ rooftop. Ch'en rested her elbow on the desk and pinched the bridge of her nose in anger.

Ch'en : So let me get this straight and short.

Ch'en puts both of her hands down on the desk and sits up from her chair. She immediately looks angry at the four, making Yami looks at her with a nervous smile while Zheng looks at her with shame. As for the two operators from Rhodes, Ghost looks at Ch'en blankly while Tadashi was looking around the room. Breaking the silence in the room, Ch'en starts to point fingers at the four individuals in front of her desk. Starting with the two operators.

Ch'en : You two come here earlier than it was planned so that we could finish the job a bit faster and early and this was allowed by your supervisors. Is that correct?

Simon"Ghost"Riley : That is correct.

Ch'en : Right, but then when you two were allowed to land your aircraft on top of our HQ, you were confronted by Junior Superintended Zheng here who wanted to arrest you for trespassing and assaulting an officer.

Tadashi"Ronin" : Yup.

Ch'en : *sigh* Right, now this leads to you two.

Ch'en turns her gaze from the Rhodes Island operators and looks at the two others who were there at the scene.

Ch'en : You.

Ch'en points at Yami, who looked at her confusingly and started to look around and behind himself. Once he was done with his comedian act, he points his finger at himself and looks at Ch'en.

Yami : Me?

Ch'en : Who else? What are you doing here?

Yami : I was called he- sorry, dragged here by you. 

Ch'en : Yami.

Ch'en looks at Yami angrily, making Yami get a bit tensed up.

Yami : Alright alright. I was walking towards the HQ when I saw an aircraft that I never saw before land here. So I thought that I check it out but when I arrived at the top. Boy Scout over here already tried to attack the white-haired dude over there.

Ch'en : So you didn't come here because of the video?

Yami : What vide-OOOOH that video! No, no I didn't know about that video until I arrived there.

Hearing this Ch'en looks at Yami with a blank expression, making Yami feel uneasy.

Yami : Alright fine. . . . .Swire sent the video to me yesterday night.

Hearing the new information, Ch'en looks at the mentioned feline with anger. When her gaze landed on the feline, the feline was looking away from her and humming a tone. Not having the energy for it, Ch'en sits back on her chair and rests her elbow on the desk and rests her head on her hand.

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