Lungmen Arc, Chapter 30 : Mr. Justice Warrior And The Vagabond

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(Felt funny and thought of publishing another chapter)

Location : Lungmen, L.G.D HQ 6:15 am

No one's Pov

Tadashi"Ronin" : Just . . . . . . how did I get myself into this?

Simon"Ghost"Riley : Sometimes I ask myself the same question whenever I'm going anywhere with you.

Currently, Tadashi and Ghost were on the rooftop alongside Ghost. Behind them was the helipad where they landed with the Oracle-141 after they got permission to land, in front of them were multiple L.G.D officers chanting two different names.

Simon"Ghost"Riley : I don't know but you are indeed a magnet for trouble.

Tadashi"Ronin" : Part of my charm huh?

Simon"Ghost"Riley : More like a bothersome part.

Tadashi looks at Ghost with annoyance, hearing his comment. Ghost chuckles at his reaction and soon after looks towards the crowd, followed by Tadashi doing the same. After the duo sees the situation that they are in, Tadashi smiles and pats Ghost's shoulder and starts walking towards the crowd gracefully.

Tadashi"Ronin" : Alright everyone, listen up. Me and my partner here are here to join you guys on the search and capture mission. We got permission to land here so there's no trespassing happening here. Let's just put down the shields and weapons and let's talk this out like civilized people.

????? : I don't think that's possible in your situation!

Looking towards the source of the voice, Ghost and Tadashi see a guy with a black jacket over his shoulder and a black shirt on him. Judging by the race features, he's a Lupo.

Art from Twitter : @ChangeThisFate

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Art from Twitter : @ChangeThisFate

????? : You are under arrest for trespassing and assaulting a fellow officer.

Tadashi"Ronin" : Huh? I understand the trespassing part but assaulting a fellow officer?

Tadashi"Ronin" : Who did I hurt?

????? : Who you hurt does not matter, what matters is that you have two choices either surrender and face justice or I will have to use force and detain you and your. . . . . . . . partner.

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