Chernobog Arc, Chapter 3 : Same Person, New Problem,

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As Amiya team and the Doctor finally came up with the plan they started to go forward to the exit, and to meet up with Tadashi. But Amiya doesn't know how to tell the news to her brother about the Doctor condition.

Amiya thoughts : How am i going to tell Tadashi that the Doctor has amnesia? Should i just say it? Or explain to him slowly?

She was thinking hard what would she say to Tadashi once they meet again. As Amiya was in her own world, the medic noticed that Amiya wasn't focusing. So she called out for her.

Guard : Miss Amiya.

Amiya : H-Huh?!?! Y-Yes?

Guard : Are you all right? 

Amiya : Ah y-yes just thinking about something.

Guard: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .About what you will tell mister Tadashi about the Doctor having amnesia?

Amiya : How did you?

Guard: Ever since we establish that the Doctor has amnesia. You had that concerned face on you, and . . . . . . . . .  you mostly looked the direction we came from. Where currently Mister Tadashi is.

Amiya : I.......Yes i'm thinking about what i will tell him. How i'm gonna tell him. 

Guard : I believe that its better if you say it straight forward to him. Its the best option at this point. I'm sure he will understa-

Amiya : NO!!!! HE WON'T!!!!! 

Guard: *shocked*

Amiya : I-I'm sorry i didn't mean to shout at you. I'm sorry.

Guard: I-It's okay. I'm sorry if i said something bad Miss Amiya.

Amiya : It's okay you didn't said anything bad. I'm just......i'm just confused that's all.

Amiya looked down on the floor thinking once again what to say to Tadashi once they meet.

Medic : Hey is everything okay here?!?! I heard shouting!!

Medic and Doctor Aaron walked to Amiya and Medic after they heard someone shout.

Amiya : Yes everything is fine here. Are we ready to go?

Medic : Yes. The Doctor's seems to be in a healthy condition.

Amiya : So we need to take every step of our carefully for the safety of the Doctor.

Medic : Correct.

Amiya : Alright everyone, lets go back to the entrance and meet up with Tadashi and after that with Dobermann. Understand?

Guard, Medic : Yes Sir!

Amiya : *looks at Doctor Aaron* Let's go Doctor.

Doctor Aaron : Y-Yes.

5 minute time skip

As they approached the exit of the The Sarcophagus . They were on high alert cause as they got closer and closer, they didn't hear anything from the other side . They thought that perhaps the reunion is planning to ambush them. However Amiya was more concerned about her brother. And because of that she quickly changed her pace and started running full speed to the exit.

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