News for the future

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Well um. . . . . . . .

Hello everyone. It's been. . . 


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a while

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a while. 

Out of the way with the cringy entrance and hello. I'm here to say a few things because I doubt anyone will see it on my posts. So let me get straight into a few things.

#1 Where the f have I been and why aren't I already finished with my story?

Truth to be told. The answer to this question is multiple.

I became tired and lazy and began to play games that I abandoned years ago such as HSR, and HI3 and also began new games such as Helldivers 2.

Long story short : I've become lazy and a full-on gamer geek.

Don't blame me tho. Working 48 hours a week is a bitch and can take a tool on someone who has a f up sleeping schedule. I didn't have the energy to write because I was drained.

#2 Where is the Arknights story that I promised months ago?

Let's just say I'm cooking.

 As of now, I'm probably around 25% of the story that I came up with. The thing is I want this story to be good cause I really love Arknight and I came up with so many things for this story of mine.

I mean I literally create multiple OCs for one big story. So far I believe I have Tadashi, Ghost, Yami and then 8+ more OCs.

So please, if you all allow me to do so. 

Let me cook. 

Especially now since the recent side-story event gave us so much lore about both the Doctor, Kal'tsit, Theresa and the whole Babel stuff.

(Kal'tsit is Doctor's and Priestess's daughter? Thoughts?)

Oh right. I wanted this to be a secret but if the whole purge thing on Wattpad won't be that bad, hopefully I can revive the one-shot book that still has a few requests stored.

The first request that a certain someone asked for with a certain cautus to be included is almost done. Just need a good ending, some finishing touches and I can publish it.

I wanted this message to be released with the one-shot book but because of the whole Wattpad purge thing, I decided to quickly do this message here.

Oh. . . right. Speaking of Wattpad.

3# "Oh neat, a new update for Wattpad.

So I didn't hear much about this.

Only that every book that has adult contact such as sex, blood and other stuff will be deleted without a warning.

I don't know if my story will be deleted cause I doubt I have anything that could violate the guidelines. I'm too dumb for this and I can't find where I can check these new rules.

But since this update comes on April 15. Let's play a game, everyone.

If the Blade Of Babel gets deleted, I'm moving to AO3 then. If not, I stay here.

And mainly that's it! I'm not dead. I'm working on the story bit by bit and hopefully, I won't lose interest in it.

Stay safe out there everyone! Goodnight/day. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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