Reunion HQ Arc, Chapter 21 : Goodbye Chernobog, Hello Lungmen

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2 days until Chernobog arrives at Lungmen 

Doctor Aaron Pov

Doctor Aaron : *grunts*

The doctor of Rhodes island can be seen on the bed, slowly opening his eyes as the light of the sun shines on him. He slowly sits up, rubs his eyes and looks around the room his currently in.

Doctor Aaron : *yawn* Huh? Where . . . am i?

The doctor looked confused as he doesn't know where he is. As he was looking around, he spots the logo of Rhodes Island. 

Doctor Aaron Thought : Hm, Rhodes Island. 

He's trying to remember what happened before he got here, all he can remember is that he was getting inside the helicopter after his rescue mission. The moment he remember that, he instantly felt sadness hit his heart when he remembered that Ace stayed and fought against Talulah in order to give the rescue team a surviving chance against the Reunion. 

After the doctor recollects himself, remembering the Chernobog event, he looks down to the blanket his covered with sadness in his eyes.

Doctor Aaron : Ace, everyone.

???? : Good morning, Doctor Aaron.

Doctor Aaron : What the!!!!

The doctor's sadness was instantly replaced by frightened by suddenly hearing a voice out of nowhere. The doctor looks around trying to find the source of the voice but to no veil he can't see anyone in the room.

Doctor Aaron : Um. . . . .hello?

???? : Hello doctor.

After the unknown voice spoke the second time, the doctor managed to locate the direction of the voice. He looks towards the table next to him and seeing a little tablet glowing with blue light.

Doctor Aaron : Um, hi. . . . who are you?

???? : My name is PRTS, i will be your guide while you work at Rhodes Island.

Doctor Aaron : Aha PRTS. So. . . . . .where am i exactly?

PRTS : Your are currently at one of Rhodes Island suite, more specifically, your suite.

Doctor Aaron : I see. Where is everyone?

PRTS : Currently every operator who was at Chernobog rescuing you are currently resting in their suite, however few of them are badly injured which is why some of them are still resting at the medical bay.

Doctor Aaron : I-I see. Thank you PRTS for the information. 

PRTS : It is my duty to help you Doctor Aaron, that been said. Miss Amiya requested me to inform you that once you wake up you need to go to the command room. Although your reluctance to leave bed is not beyond reason, your presence is urgently needed at the operations command room. Furthermore, here is some medical advice from Dr Kal'tsit

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