Rhodes Island Arc, Chapter 9 : Bright Future and Secrets

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3 days until Chernobog arrives at Lungmen

After everyone gone to their room and to their places to do their jobs, Kal'tsit made her way towards the communication room. After confirming her theory on Tadashi, she made sure in mind that he needs to be monitored.

Kal'tsit Thought : It seems that Tadashi hasn't changed that annoying side of his, which is hiding stuff from others.

Kal'tsit Thought : I need to make sure to talk with him one day.

Kal'tsit walked into the communication room seeing multiple operators working.

Kal'tsit : Have we got any news from any operators?

Operator 1 : Negative. All the operators that were sent to missions hasn't returned yet. Only Operator Blaze and Operator Thorns has returned from their mission.

Kal'tsit : Hm*nods*

Kal'tsit : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  

Kal'tsit : Patch me through to Operator Ghost.

Operator 1 : Yes Dr.Kal'tsit.

Kal'tsit picks up a headphone and waits for the operator to patch her through the radio so she could talk to Ghost.

???? POV

We can see the current Chernobog, most of the part of the city is either burned or in ruins. The reunion managed to gain control over the whole city. The citizens who lived there are either hiding, already left the city to seek shelter in a near nomadic city or worst, dead.

Reunion member 1 : Can you believe that this whole city is our base now?

Reunion member 2 : Yea i know. We showed those Ursus scums who we are.

Reunion member 1 : Damn right we did. We will show those who treated us badly what the reunion is capable. 

Reunion member 2 : Damn right.

As the two Reunion member were talking, another member of theirs approaching them.

Reunion member 3 : You two come back to HQ. Leader's order.

Reunion member 1 : What? Why?

Reunion member 3 : We got new orders. Apparently there are people who are willing to help us, and Talulah ordered everyone to return to the HQ.

Reunion member 1 : Really? There is someone out there who's gonna help us?

Reunion member 3 : It seems so. I was surprised as well.

Reunion member 2 :  Well let's go then, let's see who they are.

The three Reunion member started to run towards the Reunion HQ to see who are these people who are willing to help them. But what they didn't know, that there was someone in the shadows listening into their conversation. 

?????? : Hm. Great more trouble to report.

Suddenly a radio static can be heard from his radio that is placed on his vest.

????? : *radio static* Ghost? 

Ghost : Dr.Kal'tsit?

Kal'tsit : Can you talk?

Ghost : Affirmative. 

Kal'tsit : Great, we need information on the Reunion movement.

Ghost : They took over the whole city of Chernobog. There are some survivors left but they are either hiding or already dead. And just now i overheard 3 members talking about someone helping the reunion.

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