Rhodes Island Arc, Chapter 12 : Casper in Trouble

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2 days until Chernobog arrives at Lungmen

After a long walk and talking, Blaze took Tadashi to the communication room where he is required. However when they arrived, they received a news which sadly wasn't a good one. Especially for Tadashi.

Tadashi "Ronin" : YOU WHAT?!?!?!?

Currently Tadashi is in the communication room alongside with Blaze, Kal'tsit, Amiya, Ace, Scout and Nearl, as well other Rhodes Island workers. Tadashi isn't in the greatest mood after receiving the news that his sworn brother, the only person he has left from his old team is MIA (Missing In Action) and currently inside Chernobog which is now the Reunions HQ.

Kal'tsit : Ronin, understand that there was no one else better then Ghost to sent to gain intel on the Reunion Movement. But we didn't think that we would lose contact with him.

Tadashi "Ronin" : So you guys lost connection with Ghost who is inside the Reunion HQ!!!! WHAT THE FUUUUUUU-

Tadashi suddenly realizes that Amiya is in the room.

Kal'tsit : Tadashi i know your angry but listen for a second.

Tadashi "Ronin" : I don't need to hear the reason why he was sent there. 

Suddenly Tadashi points at the worker who was in control of the main channel of the communication room.

Tadashi "Ronin" : YOU!!!

R.I Member : HAAA M-Me?

Tadashi "Ronin" : No, the little bug on the window, YES YOU!!!! Tell me the last location of Operator Ghost.

R.I Member : I-I-I'm sorry s-sir. But i can't give that kind of information without t-the approval of at least o-one of the head leaders o-of R-R-Rhodes Island.

The worker was stuttering out of fear as they tried to explain why they can't give the information to Tadashi. Meanwhile Tadashi was just standing there with wide eyes, then after some seconds Tadashi looks at Kal'tsit and gives her the "are you for real?" look.

Kal'tsit : *sigh* I knew this conversation would end up like this.

Kal'tsit turns and looks at the R.I worker.

Kal'tsit : Give Operator Ronin all the information he needs about the whereabouts of Operator Ghost.

R.I Member : Y-Yes Doctor Kal'tsit.

Kal'tsit turns her head back at Tadashi who was still looking at her still with a angry expression.

Kal'tsit : Don't give me that look.

Tadashi "Ronin" : Then what? Want me to be all happy and rainbow knowing that my oldest friend is MIA?

Kal'tsit : Both of us knows that Ghost is the best when it comes to gaining intels in enemy territory.

Tadashi "Ronin" : Yes i know. But i didn't think that you guys would lose contact with him. I should have gone back to Chernobog and join him.

Kal'tsit : You were still recovering when Ghost arrived to Chernobog, we couldn't sent you in those conditions.

Tadashi and Kal'tsit started arguing back and forth. The others who were there just stood there watching the show which was displayed in front of them.

Nearl : Um are they usually like this with each other?

Scout : Yeah.

Ace : Most of the time.

Amiya : But they are still good with each other.

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