Rhodes Island Arc, Chapter 10 : What A Beautiful Day

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2 days until Chernobog arrives at Lungmen

Tadashi Pov

After Dobermann and Tadashi said their goodbyes to each other, Dobermann left Tadashi's  room, thus leaving Tadashi alone in his new home. Tadashi can't help but think back to the last time he had a "normal" room of his own, as he looks around the room and can't help but feel happy about it.

Tadashi "Ronin" : *inhale*

Tadashi "Ronin" : *exhale*

Tadashi "Ronin" : Now this is refreshing. My very own room, the place where i can contain all my problems and no one can disturb me. Perfect.

After he looked around the room he spots his sword and outfit on the bed.

Tadashi"Ronin" : Ah there's my stuff.

Tadashi goes to the bed and starts to change his outfit from the hospital gown to his own outfit.

Tadashi"Ronin" : There, now this is more comfortable. 

Tadashi in his outfit without the hoodie part

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Tadashi in his outfit without the hoodie part. 

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Tadashi "Ronin" : Hm i'm just gonna leave the hoodie there. 

After he changed into his outfit he makes his way towards the bed and lays down to have a little rest before he goes to the cafeteria  to eat. 

Tadashi "Ronin" thought : Hm I don't think Kal'tsit will send me on a mission anytime soon. Not after the things i did that sent me to the medical bay 2 times already.

Tadashi closes his eyes and tries to fall asleep. As his about to fall asleep, someone knocked on his room door.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Tadashi "Ronin" : Hm? Who's there?

???? : It's me Kal'tsit.

Tadashi "Ronin" Thought : *sigh* Speak of the devil. 

Tadashi slowly gets up from the bed and makes his way towards the door to open the door for Kal'tsit.

Tadashi "Ronin" : Hi Kal. What can i do for you?

As soon Tadashi opened the door, Kal'tsit raised her left hand towards Tadashi. Tadashi immediately sees an item in her hand.

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