Lungmen Arc, Chapter 35 : Your Friendly Dragon

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Tadashi"Ronin" Pov

As Tadashi shouted for Misha he ran out of his hiding spot and ran towards the alleyway that Misha had gone to. He can see multiple rioters and Reunion soldiers running after her so without a second thought he quickened his speed. Before he could enter the alleyway a blockade of Reunion soldiers and Rioters formed just in front of him, blocking his way to the alleyway where Misha had gone to.

Tadashi"Ronin" : Tch.

Tadashi stops in front of the blockade and puts his hand on his sword handle. He looks towards the blockade of enemies with a serious yet angry look.

Tadashi"Ronin" : I don't have time for you all, get out of my way.

Reunion Soldier 1 : Haa! Like we would do that.

The blockade slowly advances towards Tadashi, who quickly gets into his fighting stance ready to unsheath his sword anytime. Tadashi lets out a sigh as he readies himself for the fight, knowing that he will have to waste time.

Tadashi"Ronin" Thought : Why can things just go easily?

As the blockade slowly advanced towards Tadashi, one of them got close enough to him and immediately attacked him. The person brings his sword up and brings it down towards Tadashi. Seeing this, Tadashi simply dodges it and quickly unsheathed his sword and slashed the person's arm and kicks him lightly on the side, sending him crashing to the floor. He sheats his sword back as he looks at the person who is holding his arm in pain.

Tadashi"Ronin" : Sorry, you didn't give me much of a choice. Don't worry the cut is not deep enou-


Hearing a loud roar from behind, Tadashi turns around to meet a giant man with a makeshift axe in hand which was going straight towards his face. Tadashi ducks down dodging the axe and jumps away from the giant man.

Tadashi"Ronin" : Holy, what have they been feeding you?

The giant man didn't respond but only ran towards Tadashi, ready to attack him again. Tadashi was about to jump to fight the giant man but he stopped when he noticed Ghost suddenly appearing next to the giant man sending a punch right to his cheek. The giant man was sent flying to the crowd of soldiers, falling on top of them. After he punched the man, Ghost turns towards Tadashi who was still in his fighting stance and blinking rapidly. There was a great silence between them until Tadashi put one of his hands on his cheek while looking away a bit.

Tadashi"Ronin" : AAAAAW You didn't have to come to my rescue immediately, I had that under control. I knew I was important to you.

Ghost looks at Tadashi narrowing his eyes with a blank expression. He closed his eyes as he takes a deep breath and looks at Tadashi again while asking him about the current situation angrily.

Simon"Ghost"Riley : What happened?

Hearing Ghost's angry voice, Tadashi stops fooling around and looks at Ghost sheepishly. 

Tadashi"Ronin" : I. . . . . . . . I looked away for a second and the kid ran away.

Simon"Ghost"Riley : Wha- you were supposed to look after her!!!! How did you lose sight of her?!?!

Tadashi"Ronin" : I don't know!

Simon"Ghost"Riley : Where were you looking to be so distracted so the kid could run away!?!?

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