Rhodes Island Arc, Chapter 6 : New Home

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3 days until Chernobog arrives at Lungmen

As Tadashi and Amiya left the presence of Kal'tsit and Ace they started talking about what to do next and where to go today. Tadashi asked Amiya about other operators that are working in the Rhodes Island facility.

Tadashi "Ronin" : So what's our plan for today sis?

Amiya : First i'm gonna show you around the facility, maybe introduce you to other operators on our way. Then we gonna go to the training room to meet up with Dobermann. We need to check which rank would suit you.

Tadashi "Ronin" : Wow so our day is full of sightseeing huh?*said it jokingly*

Amiya : Yup you need to know the places of the facility if your going to work here.

Tadashi "Ronin" : Right. So do you have a list of rooms we will check out today?

Amiya : Yup, we have the control room, the dormitory, the power plant room, the factory room, trading post, the reception room, the cafeteria, workshop, training room, and lastly the human resources office. 

Tadashi "Ronin" : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AHA.

Amiya : So? Which one do you want to see first?

Tadashi "Ronin" : Hm let's vi-

Suddenly Tadashi stopped midway his sentence because of his stomach growling. This made both Tadashi and Amiya stare at each other awkwardly.

Tadashi "Ronin" : . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Amiya : . . . . . . . Cafeteria?

Tadashi "Ronin" : Yes sir.

Amiya : *giggle* Alright. Follow me.

Tadashi "Ronin" : No need to say it twice.

Tadashi and Amiya both made their ways to the cafeteria. They can see that there arent many operators present.

Tadashi only sees 3 people currently sitting in one table chatting, he sees a male with white hair  similar to his expect he has a little bit of black color front of his hair and he has a gold bright halo which makes him a sankta race.  He also sees a girl with short grayish hair color who had a outfit on that reveals a bit to much of her arms. Lastly there is another male with white hair but with a little bit of red at some of his hair.

Amiya : So this is the cafeteria. You can come here whenever you like too. There is the coffee machine, there is where we store the cutlery.

Tadashi "Ronin" : Coffee machine? Say no more. I be right back Amiya, don't forget your word.

Amiya : Okay. The type of coffees are next to the machine.

Tadashi "Ronin" : Alright brb.

Tadashi starts walking towards the coffee machine to make himself a coffee. As Amiya watches Tadashi, suddenly a hand drop on her shoulder.

???? : Hi Amiya.

Amiya : Hm?*turns around* Oh operator Elysium hi. How are you?

 How are you?

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