Chernobog Arc, Chapter 2 : The King And The Knight

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After Amiya and her team found the Sarcophagus they were attacked by an "unknown man". The "Unknown Man" managed to injure two people who came with Amiya, making them unable to fight for a short period of time. But Amiya managed to land a hit on their attacker and pushing him to the ground so they wont attack them. But the person who was known as the "Unknown man" was none other then Tadashi, someone Amiya knew very well. She knew that he would be here somewhere in Chernobog but she didn't think that they would find him and the Doctor at the same spot.

Tadashi POV

Amiya : T-Tadashi?!?!?

Tadashi "Ronin": Amiya?!?!?

The two couldn't say anything to one another after they realized who was who. Both of them were shocked to see each other after 3 long years. Amiya took a step back from Tadashi so he could get up on his feet.

As Tadashi started to stand up, Guard was already standing before him and he started to charge forward to attack him.


Amiya stops guard from attacking him

Guard : But . . . . .

Amiya : No but's, don't attack him, that's an order!!

Guard : H-Hai.. . . . . . . . 

After Amiya ordered the Guard to stand down. She looked back at Tadashi which by the time he finally standing on his feet looking at her with a shock face.

Amiya : Tadashi is that really you?

Amiya stood there waiting for Tadashi to say something. As they waited for someone to say something, by the time Medic as well gain her vision back.

Tadashi and Amiya still looked at each other. Until Tadashi finally said something.

Tadashi "Ronin": Donkey is that you????

Amiya : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'M NOT A DONKEY IM A RABBIT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!

There. . . . . . that right there was the first thing Tadashi said to Amiya after 3 years of not seeing each other.

Tadashi "Ronin": HAHAHAHAHAH. . Of course i know your a rabbit Amiya. Im just messing with ya.  HEHEHE. 

Amiya : THAT WASN'T FUNNY YOU. . . . . .YOu . . . . . .you.

Medic : Amiya are you okay?

The other three suddenly changed their moods when they see that Amiya looking down to the floor. There was a 5 second silence until it was broken by the sound of a single tear dropping on the floor.

Tadashi "Ronin": Heh?!?!?!?!? Oi Amiya why are you crying? I didn't hit you that hard didn-

Tadashi's sentence was cut off by someone hugging him tightly in front. Who was none other then Amiya herself.

The guard stood there confused questioning. Why did their leader stop them from attacking this guy who JUST attacked them?

Medic : Guard.

Guard : yes?

Medic : I think he is the guy who saved the lady and the boy that we meet midway. And also Miss Amiya called him Tadashi which is the same name and its the same description that the lady give us.

Guard : Huh?

The Guard was thinking back what happened when the team meet the lady and the little boy. 

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