Rhodes Island Arc, Chapter 5 : The New Guy

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It was night by now, after the events of Chernobog and after the Doctor Rescue operation was a success and bringing back an old friend as well, Tadashi officially joins Rhodes Island. After Tadashi, Amiya and Kal'tsit talked it out the next things to come with his recruitment, Kal'tsit left Tadashi back at the resting room.

Kal'tsit : We will do the paper works for your application. Until then rest and don't leave this room. The next day we will check your condition. If you can walk normally then you will be shown around by one of our operator maybe. After that you will return to the medical bay for infection check up then to your room that we will prepare for you. And if you do leave this room ther-

Tadashi "Ronin" : There will be consequences"yes i know. Don't worry i won't leave this room. I wanted to sleep anyway.

Kal'tsit : Hm good. See you later Tadashi and welcome to Rhodes Island once again.

As Kal'tsit leaves the room, there was only Tadashi and Amiya left.

Amiya : . . . . . . . 

Tadashi "Ronin" : . . . . . . . 

Tadashi "Ronin" : Sooooo. I guess i'm one of your operator now. 

Amiya : Yea it seems like it.

Both Amiya and Tadashi were silent. They didn't know what to say.

Amiya : Then i take my leave now, you need to rest so i won't bother you.

Tadashi "Ronin" : Yea see you in the morning as well. Goodnight.

Amiya : Goodnight.

Tadashi looks at the leaving Amiya then looks outside the window to see the moon. But after some seconds he can hear fast footsteps that were getting louder. He looks at the direction of the sound only to see Amiya running towards him.

Tadashi "Ronin" : Amiya what's wro-

Amiya suddenly hugs Tadashi.

Amiya : I'm glad your okay Big Brother.

Tadashi looks down to see that Amiya was shedding tears. She was holding back so that Kal'tsit and the others wouldn't see her crying.

Tadashi "Ronin" : . . . . *smiles and returns the hug*

Amiya breaks the hug after 10 second, then looks up to Tadashi. 

Amiya : *wipes her tears* Well. I be going now still need to do stuff.

Tadashi "Ronin" : At 21:50 Pm?

Amiya : As the leader of Rhodes Island i have my duties.

Amiya said it as she put both of her hands on her hips and stood there proudly.

Tadashi "Ronin" : Damn you really got the worst part being a leader huh?

Amiya : Hey it's not that bad!!!

Tadashi "Ronin" : *rolling eyes*Yea yea right i believe you.*sigh* Anyway Amiya im going to sleep. We can catch up and talk tomorrow morning. Goodnight.

Amiya : Right, goodnight brother.

Amiya looks at Tadashi with a smile on her face as she said goodnight. She closes the door of the resting room. Tadashi looks out the window to look at the moon.

Tadashi "Ronin" : Hm . Welp i should hit the bed. Tomorrow will be a big day.

Tadashi picks up the blanket and puts it on himself. Then puts his head on the pillow and slowly drifts into sleep.

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