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- Where is he? The film is about to start! - superhero Crane groaned.

- You know Crow isn't from here and that he doesn't know how movie theater looks like - Swan defeded her teammate.

- Can you believe that he hasn't seen any movie before? Sometimes I feel like he has been living his whole life under a rock or that he came to us from some past era - Falcon said.

- Yeah, I still remember his childish fascination when he saw a smartphone for the first time - Pelican added.

- Well, not everyone in this times is a slave of modern technology. Maybe he comes from an Amish family? - Bluebird said.

- Do whatever you want, but I'm not going to wait for Crow here like an idiot! - having said that, Crane entered screening room. Rest of superheroes were unsure what to do next.

- Go guys, we'll catch up with you later - Swan said. So Bluebird, Falcon, Pelican followed their leader, leaving Swan at the entrance.


Girl in white costume smiled warmly at the sight of a dark, tall figure timidly approaching her.

- I'm so, so sorry I'm late, but unfortunately I couldn't figure out guidance people gave me... - he nervously looked around - Oh no, did they get mad at me and cancelled our trip to the movies? - Crow asked concerned, a hint of guilt could be heard in his voice. Swan slightly chuckled, this guy was so pure...

- No worries big guy, they're already there, we won't miss much, if we join them right now - having said that, superheroine grabbed her friend's sleeve and dragged him.

- And what are we going to watch? - he asked.

- To be honest I don't know, Crane was the one who booked the tickets - she replied - But that doesn't matter, as long as we all are going to have so much fun! - she happily exclaimed.

- I guess you're right - Crow murmured.

They entered the screening room and having got a solid talk about being punctual from Crane, they sat down and soon enough paid attention to the movie.


The movie turned out to be the newest adaptation of "Jack the Giant Killer" fairytale. Admittedly, it was interesting for the first thirty minutes, but after a while it became boring for Swan and she was quietly praying for it to end.

She peeked curiously at her friends, trying to deduct if they're enjoying the movie. But Crow's weird reaction really worried her.

Guy was white as a sheet, he was practically sinking into the seat and was sticking his fingers into the armrest.

Then, when a brutal scene of a giant eating a man came, Crow jolted out of his seat and left the screening room in a hurry. Rest of the team looked quite concerned, but nobody wanted to follow him. Well, except for Swan, who got a great reason to discontinue this boring film.

She quickly followed her friend, noticing that he was leaning on a wall, trembling and sobbing softly.

- Hey, what's wrong? - she asked. He looked at her with horror in his eyes and slowly started to back away.

- Nothing, nothing is wrong! I'm perfectly fine! - he said in a high pitched voice.

- Are you sure? You don't look well, maybe I'll bring you something to drink - Swan suggested.

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