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- I'll show them! I'll show them all! - Valeria murmured, dragging a way too heavy sword.

She had only one dream - to become a king's vassal and go down in history as a first woman knight. She did well in the tournament, but when she took off her bascinet, revealing she was a woman, things didn't go the way she had imagined. 

All men who took part in the tournament, even the ones who had lost to her, surrounded her and spoke up that she was a woman and it wasn't proper for her to use the sword.

But king being quite impressed made a deal with her - if she slays the beast tormenting the inhabitants of the capital, she'll have the honor to become his vassal.

She agreed without thinking and soon left the safe walls of the capital. But it was few hours since she went on her mission and she still hasn't spotted the monster yet. Of course, she saw trails of his actions, like broken trees and uprooted bushes, but he himself was nowhere to be seen.

Bearing in mind the reward she's going to get, Valeria didn't give up and still was following the devastation monster left behind.

After a while, the trail went cold, as she reached trees which were growing normally. It looked like beast vanished into thin air. 

Frustrated, she went up to the closest tree and give it a kick. However, she didn't noticed the trap set on it and before she knew it, she was hanging upside down, with her left leg being binded by the rope.

Because she got trapped by surprise, her sword slid from her hand and stuck in the ground. She tried to retrieve it, but she was hanging too high and couldn't reach it.

She heard a snickering coming from behind the tree and soon to her eyes appeared two rogues.

- It seems that we've caught quite a fish, don't ye think? - one of them asked.

- Aye Bertram! Silver and rich one, let's see how much we can milk him - second rogue said and they approached Valeria.

- Stop it or you'll face the consequences! - she growled at them.

They laughed at her helplessness and at how feminine knight sounded.

- Oh yeah? You're all alone, no one is going to help you! - first rogue said and snatched a pouch from the belt.

Thieves then emptied it and began to count the coins. One of them whistled.

- Whole 300 coins! Man, you surely were a rich guy! Thank you for your donation - he said and put coins back to the pouch.

Suddenly, a loud voice, which caused them to fall down, boomed:

- Hey! What are you doing?!

Valeria and thieves froze in fear, seeing gigantic figure towering over them. Giant was absolutely huge, he had black curls thick like ropes, fiery red eyes and he was wearing linen shirt and pants.

Petrified rogues let out a scream and having dropped the pouch, ran for their lives.

Valeria frantically tried to reach for her leg to untie the rope, but because of the rush she tangled in it even more.

She shrieked when giant got to eye level with her. He looked at her and then grabbed the rope. She shut her eyes tight, expecting to be crushed or eaten, but she became surprised, hearing how rope snapped.

She soon found herself in his grip, her heart was racing. Giant crouched down and with his second hand lifted the pouch up and attached it to her belt. Then, his gaze rested on the sword stuck in the ground, he pulled it out.

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