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It was a beautiful day in the Avis city. The sky was blue, the temperature was nice. A perfect day for the special celebration - Home Anniversary.

Every citizen was gathered on the main square, they were waiting for mayor's speech, while also chilling to the thumping sound resonating in the air.

Finally, after long awaiting, tall man walked on the stage and took microphone in his hand. People greeted him with loud clapping and cheering.

- Okay, okay. I know you're excited for this day as much as I am. For we got to celebrate a 100 anniversary of finding a safe home. Who would believe that Avis is such an old city now, am I right? - he asked. Crowd agreed.

- And since it's such a beautiful, round anniversary, me and councillors decided to extend the celebration of Home Anniversary to a whole week! - man exclaimed. Everyone cheered, it was great news! There was no person in the city, who didn't love Home Anniversary. It was the most important celebration of a year, it always reminded citizens that they're safe in the walls of Avis.

After that speech, it was high time to start the celebration. There were few performances on the stage, award ceremony for those who helped the city grow, then it was a time for dance and snacks.

People were having fun, dancing on the main square, chatting with each other, tasting many delicious desserts.

No one noticed slim girl, who was taking as many baking trays as her strength allowed her to. She craned her neck and saw that her little sister was packing dozens of cupcakes into the bags.

When she saw that little girl couldn't lift any more, she motioned for her to come. Kid trotted to her older sister.

- Are you sure you can carry so much Ada? - older girl asked.

- Yes, I'm a strong girl Jade! - kid exclaimed.

- Let's go then - Jade replied and they were about to leave, when voice from behind stopped them:

- Hey!

They turned around and faced Cade - mayor's son.

- Why are you taking so much food... - he took two large bottles of soda - Without anything to drink? - he asked.

- Well, it's not like we have any hands left - older girl replied.

- You're lucky to have me. Now, let's go, shall we? - he said and the three sneaked out of the party.

As they were far from the city, the thumping, which could be heard there got louder and soft tremors began to accompany it. They had to change their boots to something stickier.

They continued their journey, Now reaching more hard ground, which was slowly rocking up and down. They were going further and further, they entered a dense overgrown territory.

The three finally reached a platform - their destination. They placed products on it and entered it. Cade walked up to the panel and having turned it on, pressed the button which caused platform to lower.

They were going down and down, until a weird bump appeared in front of them. Cade then stopped the platform and Jade shouted at the top of her lungs:

- Adiv!!! Wake up!!!

The bump frowned and opened a little, revealing a black dot. Then it closed again, the platform they were standing on swayed a little, as a gust of wind blew under them.

After that, bump opened once more, this time revealing a huge eye, with icy blue iris. Pupil was small at first, but as it acknowledged guests' presence, it dilated.

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