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There was no indication that they would get caught in dangerous storm. The weather was nice, perfect for claiming a top of the mountain by Leave No Trace - group of hikers. They climbed up many mountains and left their flags there, leaving a local "Mount Everest" for the end. Unfortunately, the atmosphere and weather there were more traitorous than on Mount Everest.

They managed to climb up half of the mountain, when the situation got out of control. They had to find a refuge, otherwise they would be blown out of the mountain.

They stumbled upon quite a large crevasse and entered it. The crevasse led the hiking group to a cave. Hikers rejoiced, seeing a bonfire. But then the question came: why was it here?

Soon, the cave began to shake and hikers heard loud and heavy footsteps. It was that moment when it dawned on them - they weren't alone. Whatever was living in here, it was huge.

They split, finding it reasonable to hide in different places. But the leader - man called Kaiden - slipped on the icy surface of the ground and fell down, hurting his leg.

Kaiden was afraid, feeling how quakes were getting stronger and seeing the absolutely enormous shadow approaching him. He cowered in fear, expecting the worst.

He yelped, being lifted up and dared to look at his captor. But he became greatly surprised, seeing what, or rather who, was holding him.

Man had heard about that odd type of gigantism called "Gulliver's Syndrome", but didn't get a chance to meet anyone suffering from it. Until now.

Because he was now at mercy of one of those people. Giant had long, messy, snow-white hair and red eyes. He was wearing torn and holey clothes, made from scraps and old rags, glued with the help of resin.

Much to Kaiden's surprise, giant, who introduced himself as Finn, sobbed at the sight of vulnerable human and asked how he can help.

Other hikers, seeing giant's kindness and desire to help, decided to reveal themselves and they told Finn all about they journey and how it was cut cue to the storm.

Giant not only let hikers stay and gave them food and water, but also offered to help them climb to the top of the mountain as soon as storm passes.

As hikers relaxed around the giant, they asked him how did he end up on the mountain, alone.

Finn hesitated to tell them at first, knowing that it'll bring him to tears. But hikers promised that they won't laugh or judge him and giant told his short, but painful story.

His biological parents abandoned him shortly after he was diagnosed with Gulliver's Syndrome. He was living with few foster families, but in the end, each of them brought him back to orphanage, as they didn't want to raise a giant freak.

Feeling hurt and alone and not wanting to be a burden to anyone, Finn left his hometown and ventured out to seek for place to call home. He found this cave - place where he could live in peace, with access to food and water.

Hikers were touched by Finn's story. And they came up with idea how to repay for his kindness.

They spent night in giant's place. Next morning, they were thrilled to see that storm was gone. Giant kept his word and led hikers on the top of the mountain.

After they left a flag there, hikers invited Finn to come back with them to their village. Giant was reluctant at first, not wanting to cause any commotion, but after they reassured him it's not a problem, he agreed.

They arrived at the village and hikers told villagers about everything. Villagers were thankful for giant's kindness and invited him for a feast.

Finn was happy to find people who weren't scared of him. But since there was no place he could fit in, he went back home after celebration.

But it didn't end there. Villagers often asked Finn for help with crops, plowing fields and tending to the livestock. Giant always complied to humans' requests and helped them everywhere he could.

He became a beloved member of the community and everyone was happy to see him. But even so, Finn still felt lonely, as he wasn't living in their village, due to the fact it was too cramped for him.

But lately villagers visited him less and less. Giant thought that maybe they began to see him as a monster and avoided him. Which wasn't surprising.

Few months passed and before Finn knew it, it was Christmas Eve.

Giant wasn't too fond of the holiday. He always was forced to spend it alone, this time was a reminder that no matter how gentle, kind and small he tried to be, he always be viewed as a giant monstrous freak.

He wasn't surprised, when no villager came to him that day. They were probably too busy with preparing their homes for the celebration, forgetting about the giant.

Finn sighed, looking down from the mountain at the illuminated village. He was about to go back to his cave, when loud and fast panting caught his attention. Giant looked to his left and saw Kaiden, looking all frightened and exhausted.

- What happened? - giant asked worryingly, scooping human up.

- V-village... needs ... Your help - Kaiden huffed, holding onto one of giant's finger.

Concerned by what human said, Finn wasted no time and rushed down the mountain, praying for villagers to be okay.

But he became confused, seeing all villagers standing outside their homes, gathered in a large group, looking up at him and smiling.

- Wh-what's going o-on? - worried giant asked.

Humans point at their left. Giant looked there and felt how tears filled his eyes.

For there was a humongous tent, standing close to village border. Moreover, set of beautiful and new clothes laid next to it. And there was a huge pile of cinnamon buns too!

Finn was confused. What was the meaning of this?

- Merry Christmas Finn! - villagers exclaimed.

- Is it... For me? - moved giant whimpered.

- Of course! Why would we need such big clothes and tent to ourselves? - Kaiden said, who now looked suspiciously fine.

- But why? - Finn didn't understand villagers' kindness.

- What do you mean by "why"? You were so kind and helpful to us all and we had to repay you! - one villager exclaimed.

- Yeah, thanks to you our village thrived and developed way faster than it would without you - another added.

- And ta-da! For past few months we were working on our gifts, sorry if you got an impression that we avoided you - someone said.

- And how do you like it? Don't worry about the tent, it's only temporary until we get raw materials to build you a more durable house - Kaiden said.

Giant couldn't hold back his composure and cried tears of joy, profusely thanking villagers.

Finn and villagers spent Christmas Night together, sitting by bonfire and singing Christmas caroling. And giant finally found reason to love Christmas, thanks to finding love, acceptance and place where he truly belonged.

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