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- Hey FAVES, welcome to another live of our mission! - Cara greeted her viewers.

- As you know, our invincible team: my brother David, dwarf Gobrat, elf Feyrith, orc Silug and frogwoman Trixie is currently fulfilling the prophecy to stop Devourer from emerging in our dimension - she said.

- Can you shut up for a while? Don't you remember we have work to do? - Silug grumbled.

- My viewers have to know about our progress! - human girl replied and turned her attention to her phone again.

- Anyway, our team is almost completed, but we still need one more teammate. That's why we're here - she shown sheer gate, where they're heading to.

- Because the prophecy says: "Two humans, one elf, one dwarf, one orc, one frogman and one giant, they'll be the ones to protect our world". And we're now at the foot of Chamans, to find our last friend - Cara said and turned to her brother.

- David, what can you tell us about giants? - she asked.

- Not much. They're living far away from other races, but no one really knows why. Also, giants are the only ones left, who still use magic instead of technology. That's all I know - he said, craning his neck to see bas-relief on the gate. It portrayed many sheep of different breeds, which were bowing down to a Jacob sheep.

- But we don't get discouraged and we're entering Chamans! - Cara said and tried to push gate doors, but they were too heavy.

- We won't get in that way - Feyrith said.

- Any ideas then? - Trixie asked.

- Let me handle this - Gobrat said and took few dynamite sticks out of his backpack. He then put them against the wall and lit them. Whole team got as far as possible, to avoid getting hurt.

Soon a loud "BOOM" echoed and wall's pieces scattered around. Explosion formed a small hole in the wall, big enough for them to walk through it.

They entered the town, but it was empty. There was no single soul, everything seemed deserted. No giants, no animals, everything was consumed by webs.

They got seriously worried. Without a giant, they won't fulfill the prophecy and then their world will be doomed.

- No... It can't be! - Cara cried out. Silug touched the ground and then licked his finger. He brightened up.

- There's still hope. We need to go straight, to the town hall - he said and led the team.

They reached the town hall within minutes. They were able to hear music coming from the building. It meant someone was there, their hope was restored.

Fellowship found a small mouse hole in the wall. They entered it. The further they were walking, music was getting louder. Someone was playing the violin. The song was beautiful, it was calm and heartwarming.

Team finally found way out of the mouse hole and entered the town hall.

They were met with giants being formed in a circle. The worst was, they were turned into the stone. All of them were wearing long capes with hood on their heads, they were facing the ground. But someone had to play that violin, right?

Fellowship was circling among the statues, trying to find any alive giant. Then they understand that song was coming from the middle of that circle.

They went to the first row and became speechless, seeing the musician.

Giant was dressed very similar to statues around him - he had a long cape and hood on, because of that his features were unseen.

He was gently holding his violin and playing it passionately. Streaks of note were spreading around the other giants, wrapping around them like scarves. Musician was so absorbed in his song, he didn't notice small folks standing now at his feet.

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